Class CrumbIssuerDescriptor<T extends CrumbIssuer>
- java.lang.Object
- hudson.model.Descriptor<CrumbIssuer>
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public abstract class CrumbIssuerDescriptor<T extends CrumbIssuer> extends Descriptor<CrumbIssuer>
Describes global configuration for crumb issuers. Create subclasses to specify additional global configuration for custom crumb issuers.- Author:
- dty
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
Descriptor.FormException, Descriptor.PropertyType, Descriptor.Self
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
Constructor Summary
Constructors Modifier Constructor Description protected
CrumbIssuerDescriptor(String salt, String crumbRequestField)
Crumb issuers always take a salt and a request field name.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description String
Gets the request parameter name that contains the crumb generated from a previous response.String
Get the salt value.void
setCrumbRequestField(String requestField)
Set the request parameter name.void
setCrumbSalt(String salt)
Set the salt value.-
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
addHelpFileRedirect, bindJSON, calcAutoCompleteSettings, calcFillSettings, configure, configure, doHelp, find, find, findByDescribableClassName, findById, getCategory, getCheckMethod, getCheckUrl, getConfigFile, getConfigPage, getCurrentDescriptorByNameUrl, getDescriptorFullUrl, getDescriptorUrl, getDisplayName, getGlobalConfigPage, getGlobalPropertyType, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getId, getJsonSafeClassName, getKlass, getPlugin, getPossibleViewNames, getPropertyType, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypeOrDie, getRequiredGlobalConfigPagePermission, getStaticHelpUrl, getT, getViewPage, isInstance, isSubTypeOf, load, newInstance, newInstance, newInstancesFromHeteroList, newInstancesFromHeteroList, save, self, toArray, toList, toMap
Method Detail
public String getCrumbSalt()
Get the salt value.
public void setCrumbSalt(String salt)
Set the salt value. Must not be null.
public String getCrumbRequestField()
Gets the request parameter name that contains the crumb generated from a previous response.
public void setCrumbRequestField(String requestField)
Set the request parameter name. Must not be null.