Package hudson.model
Class ProxyView.DescriptorImpl
- java.lang.Object
- hudson.model.Descriptor<View>
- hudson.model.ViewDescriptor
- hudson.model.ProxyView.DescriptorImpl
- Enclosing class:
- ProxyView
@Extension @Symbol("proxy") public static class ProxyView.DescriptorImpl extends ViewDescriptor
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
Descriptor.FormException, Descriptor.PropertyType, Descriptor.Self
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description DescriptorImpl()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description String
Returns the human-readable name of this type of view.boolean
Some special views are not instantiable, and for those this method returns false.-
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.ViewDescriptor
checkDisplayName, doAutoCompleteCopyNewItemFrom, getColumnsDescriptors, getJobFiltersDescriptors, getNewViewDetailPage, isApplicable, isApplicableIn
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
addHelpFileRedirect, bindJSON, calcAutoCompleteSettings, calcFillSettings, configure, configure, doHelp, find, find, findByDescribableClassName, findById, getCategory, getCheckMethod, getCheckUrl, getConfigFile, getConfigPage, getCurrentDescriptorByNameUrl, getDescriptorFullUrl, getDescriptorUrl, getGlobalConfigPage, getGlobalPropertyType, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getId, getJsonSafeClassName, getKlass, getPlugin, getPossibleViewNames, getPropertyType, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypeOrDie, getRequiredGlobalConfigPagePermission, getStaticHelpUrl, getT, getViewPage, isInstance, isSubTypeOf, load, newInstance, newInstance, newInstancesFromHeteroList, newInstancesFromHeteroList, save, self, toArray, toList, toMap
Method Detail
@NonNull public String getDisplayName()
Description copied from class:ViewDescriptor
Returns the human-readable name of this type of view. Used in the view creation screen. The string should look like "Abc Def Ghi".- Overrides:
in classViewDescriptor
public boolean isInstantiable()
Description copied from class:ViewDescriptor
Some special views are not instantiable, and for those this method returns false.- Overrides:
in classViewDescriptor