Package hudson.model
Class ViewJob<JobT extends ViewJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>>
- java.lang.Object
- hudson.model.AbstractModelObject
- hudson.model.Actionable
- hudson.model.AbstractItem
- hudson.model.Job<JobT,RunT>
- hudson.model.ViewJob<JobT,RunT>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public abstract class ViewJob<JobT extends ViewJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>> extends Job<JobT,RunT>
that monitors activities that happen outside Hudson, which requires occasional batch reload activity to obtain the up-to-date information.This can be used as a base class to derive custom
type.- Author:
- Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class hudson.model.Job
Job.LastItemListener, Job.SubItemBuildsLocationImpl
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface hudson.ExtensionPoint
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface jenkins.model.ModelObjectWithContextMenu
ModelObjectWithContextMenu.ContextMenu, ModelObjectWithContextMenu.ContextMenuVisibility, ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItem, ModelObjectWithContextMenu.MenuItemType
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static boolean
In the very old version of Hudson, an external job submission was just creating files on the file system, so we needed to periodically reload the jobs from a file system to pick up new records.protected RunMap<RunT>
Fields inherited from class hudson.model.Job
HISTORY_ADAPTER, nextBuildNumber, properties, runIdMigrator
Fields inherited from class hudson.model.AbstractItem
description, displayName, name, PRONOUN, SKIP_PERMISSION_CHECK, TASK_NOUN
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected SortedMap<Integer,RunT>
Gets all the runs.boolean
Returns true if we should display "build now" iconvoid
onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name)
Called right after when aItem
is loaded from disk.protected abstract void
Reloads the list ofRun
removeRun(RunT run)
Called fromRun
to remove it from this job.protected void
submit(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp)
Derived class can override this to perform additional config submission work.-
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Job
addProperty, assignBuildNumber, checkRename, createHistoryWidget, delete, doBuildStatus, doChildrenContextMenu, doConfigSubmit, doDescription, doDoRename, doRssAll, doRssChangelog, doRssFailed, fastUpdateNextBuildNumber, getACL, getAllJobs, getAllProperties, getBuild, getBuildByNumber, getBuildDir, getBuildDiscarder, getBuildForCLI, getBuildHealth, getBuildHealthReports, getBuilds, getBuilds, getBuildsAsMap, getBuildsByTimestamp, getBuildStatusIconClassName, getBuildStatusUrl, getBuildTimeGraph, getCharacteristicEnvVars, getDynamic, getEnvironment, getEstimatedDuration, getEstimatedDurationCandidates, getFirstBuild, getIconColor, getLastBuild, getLastBuildsOverThreshold, getLastCompletedBuild, getLastFailedBuild, getLastStableBuild, getLastSuccessfulBuild, getLastUnstableBuild, getLastUnsuccessfulBuild, getLogRotator, getNearestBuild, getNearestOldBuild, getNewBuilds, getNextBuildNumber, getOverrides, getPermalinks, getPronoun, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getQueueItem, getTimeline, isBuilding, isHoldOffBuildUntilSave, isInQueue, isKeepDependencies, isLogUpdated, isNameEditable, logRotate, makeSearchIndex, movedTo, onCopiedFrom, onCreatedFromScratch, removeProperty, removeProperty, renameTo, save, saveNextBuildNumber, setBuildDiscarder, setLogRotator, supportsLogRotator, updateNextBuildNumber
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.AbstractItem
delete, doCheckNewName, doConfigDotXml, doConfirmRename, doDoDelete, doReload, doSetName, doSubmitDescription, getAbsoluteUrl, getApi, getConfigFile, getDescription, getDisplayName, getDisplayNameOrNull, getFullDisplayName, getFullName, getName, getParent, getRelativeDisplayNameFrom, getRelativeNameFromGroup, getRootDir, getSearchName, getSearchUrl, getShortUrl, getTarget, getTaskNoun, getUrl, load, performDelete, resolveForCLI, setDescription, setDisplayName, setDisplayNameOrNull, toString, updateByXml, updateByXml, writeConfigDotXml, writeReplace
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Actionable
addAction, addOrReplaceAction, doContextMenu, getAction, getAction, getActions, getActions, getAllActions, removeAction, removeActions, replaceAction, replaceActions
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.AbstractModelObject
getSearch, getSearchIndex, requirePOST, sendError, sendError, sendError, sendError, sendError
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
checkAnyPermission, checkPermission, hasAnyPermission, hasPermission, hasPermission, hasPermission2
Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.DescriptorByNameOwner
Methods inherited from interface jenkins.widgets.HasWidgets
getWidget, getWidgets
Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.Item
getRelativeNameFrom, getRelativeNameFrom
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
Field Detail
protected transient volatile RunMap<RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>> runs
s. Copy-on-write semantics.
public static boolean reloadPeriodically
In the very old version of Hudson, an external job submission was just creating files on the file system, so we needed to periodically reload the jobs from a file system to pick up new records.We then switched to submission via HTTP, so this reloading is no longer necessary, so only do this when explicitly requested.
Constructor Detail
@Deprecated protected ViewJob(Jenkins parent, String name) of 1.390
Method Detail
public boolean isBuildable()
Description copied from class:Job
Returns true if we should display "build now" icon
public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException
Description copied from class:AbstractItem
Called right after when aItem
is loaded from disk. This is an opportunity to do a post load processing.- Specified by:
in interfaceItem
- Overrides:
in classJob<JobT extends ViewJob<JobT,RunT>,RunT extends Run<JobT,RunT>>
- Name of the directory (not a path --- just the name portion) from which the configuration was loaded. This usually becomes thename
of this item.- Throws:
protected SortedMap<Integer,RunT> _getRuns()
Description copied from class:Job
Gets all the runs. The resulting map must be treated immutable (by employing copy-on-write semantics.) The map is descending order, with newest builds at the top.
protected abstract void reload()
protected void submit(org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest req, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, javax.servlet.ServletException, Descriptor.FormException
Description copied from class:Job
Derived class can override this to perform additional config submission work.