Package jenkins.model
Class Jenkins.DescriptorImpl
- java.lang.Object
- hudson.model.Descriptor<Node>
- hudson.slaves.NodeDescriptor
- jenkins.model.Jenkins.DescriptorImpl
- Enclosing class:
- Jenkins
public static final class Jenkins.DescriptorImpl extends NodeDescriptor
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
Descriptor.FormException, Descriptor.PropertyType, Descriptor.Self
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static Jenkins.DescriptorImpl
Fields inherited from class hudson.slaves.NodeDescriptor
Fields inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description DescriptorImpl()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description FormValidation
doCheckNumExecutors(String value)
getDynamic(String token)
Can the administrator create this type of nodes from UI? Return false if it only makes sense for programs to create it, not through the "new node" UI.-
Methods inherited from class hudson.slaves.NodeDescriptor
all, allInstantiable, doCheckName, getConfigPage, handleNewNodePage, newInstanceDetailPage
Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor
addHelpFileRedirect, bindJSON, calcAutoCompleteSettings, calcFillSettings, configure, configure, doHelp, find, find, findByDescribableClassName, findById, getCategory, getCheckMethod, getCheckUrl, getConfigFile, getCurrentDescriptorByNameUrl, getDescriptorFullUrl, getDescriptorUrl, getDisplayName, getGlobalConfigPage, getGlobalPropertyType, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getHelpFile, getId, getJsonSafeClassName, getKlass, getPlugin, getPossibleViewNames, getPropertyType, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypeOrDie, getRequiredGlobalConfigPagePermission, getStaticHelpUrl, getT, getViewPage, isInstance, isSubTypeOf, load, newInstance, newInstance, newInstancesFromHeteroList, newInstancesFromHeteroList, save, self, toArray, toList, toMap
Field Detail
@Extension public static final Jenkins.DescriptorImpl INSTANCE
Method Detail
public boolean isInstantiable()
Description copied from class:NodeDescriptor
Can the administrator create this type of nodes from UI? Return false if it only makes sense for programs to create it, not through the "new node" UI.- Overrides:
in classNodeDescriptor
public FormValidation doCheckNumExecutors(@QueryParameter String value)