Package lib.layout

Interface DropdownsTagLib

  • All Superinterfaces:
    groovy.lang.GroovyObject, org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.groovy.TypedTagLibrary

    public interface DropdownsTagLib
    extends org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.groovy.TypedTagLibrary
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void custom()
      Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
      void custom​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
      void custom​(Map args)
      Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
      void custom​(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g.
      void header()
      Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      void header​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      void header​(Map args)
      Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      void header​(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      void item()  
      void item​(groovy.lang.Closure body)  
      void item​(Map args)  
      void item​(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)  
      void separator()
      Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      void separator​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      void separator​(Map args)
      Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      void separator​(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      void submenu()
      Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      void submenu​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      void submenu​(Map args)
      Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      void submenu​(Map args, groovy.lang.Closure body)
      Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      • Methods inherited from interface groovy.lang.GroovyObject

        getMetaClass, getProperty, invokeMethod, setMetaClass, setProperty
    • Method Detail

      • header

        void header​(Map args,
                    groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      • header

        void header​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      • header

        void header​(Map args)
        Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      • header

        void header()
        Displays a header to visually group items in a dropdown
      • submenu

        void submenu​(Map args,
                     groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      • submenu

        void submenu​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      • submenu

        void submenu​(Map args)
        Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      • submenu

        void submenu()
        Displays the contents as a submenu to a menu item
      • custom

        void custom​(Map args,
                    groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g. <dd:custom> <img src="jenkins.svg" /> </dd:custom>
      • custom

        void custom​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g. <dd:custom> <img src="jenkins.svg" /> </dd:custom>
      • custom

        void custom​(Map args)
        Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g. <dd:custom> <img src="jenkins.svg" /> </dd:custom>
      • custom

        void custom()
        Allows for custom components inside of dropdowns Pass HTML as the child of this component to render it inside of a dropdown, e.g. <dd:custom> <img src="jenkins.svg" /> </dd:custom>
      • separator

        void separator​(Map args,
                       groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      • separator

        void separator​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
        Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      • separator

        void separator​(Map args)
        Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      • separator

        void separator()
        Displays a horizontal line to visually separate items in a dropdown
      • item

        void item​(Map args,
                  groovy.lang.Closure body)
      • item

        void item​(groovy.lang.Closure body)
      • item

        void item​(Map args)
      • item

        void item()