All Classes and Interfaces

Common code between GlobalLibraries and GlobalUntrustedLibraries.
Allows libraries to be mapped to actual classpath additions.
Like GlobalLibraries but scoped to a folder.
Manages libraries available to any job in the system.
Manages untrusted libraries available to any job in the system.
A run action recording libraries used in a given build.
Specifies one or more libraries to load.
Given LibraryResolver, actually adds to the Groovy classpath.
User configuration for one library.
Adds an import for Library, checks for it being used, and actually loads the library.
Record of a library being used in a particular build.
Allows a provider of libraries to indicate which libraries should be visible to a given job.
A way in which a library can be physically obtained for use in a build.
Descriptor for LibraryRetriever.
Dynamically injects a library into the running build.
Generated localization support class.
Step to load a resource from a library.
Functionality common to SCMSourceRetriever and SCMRetriever.
Uses legacy SCM to check out sources based on variable interpolation.
Uses SCMSource.fetch(String, TaskListener) to retrieve a specific revision.
Global variable backed by user-supplied script.