Class CoverageBuildAction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Action, ModelObject, Serializable, RunAction2, SimpleBuildStep.LastBuildAction, org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy

    public final class CoverageBuildAction
    extends io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<Node>
    implements org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy
    Controls the life cycle of the coverage results in a job. This action persists the results of a build and displays a summary on the build page. The actual visualization of the results is defined in the matching summary.jelly file. This action also provides access to the coverage details: these are rendered using a new view instance.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoverageBuildAction

        public CoverageBuildAction​(Run<?,​?> owner,
                                   String id,
                                   String icon,
                                   Node result,
                                   io.jenkins.plugins.util.QualityGateResult qualityGateResult,
                                   ReferenceResult referenceResult)
        Creates a new instance of CoverageBuildAction.
        owner - the associated build that created the statistics
        id - ID (URL) of the results
        icon - name of the icon that should be used in actions and views
        result - the coverage tree as a result to persist with this action
        qualityGateResult - status of the quality gates
        log - the logging statements of the recording step
      • CoverageBuildAction

        public CoverageBuildAction​(Run<?,​?> owner,
                                   String id,
                                   String icon,
                                   Node result,
                                   io.jenkins.plugins.util.QualityGateResult qualityGateResult,
                                   String referenceBuildId,
                                   List<? extends Value> modifiedLinesCoverage,
                                   ReferenceResult referenceResult)
        Creates a new instance of CoverageBuildAction.
        owner - the associated build that created the statistics
        id - ID (URL) of the results
        icon - name of the icon that should be used in actions and views
        result - the coverage tree as a result to persist with this action
        qualityGateResult - status of the quality gates
        log - the logging statements of the recording step
        referenceBuildId - the ID of the reference build
        modifiedLinesCoverage - the coverages filtered by modified lines of the associated change request
    • Method Detail

      • getLog

        public getLog()
      • getQualityGateResult

        public io.jenkins.plugins.util.QualityGateResult getQualityGateResult()
      • getProjectBaseline

        public Baseline getProjectBaseline()
        Returns the supported baselines.
        all supported baselines
      • hasBaselineResult

        public boolean hasBaselineResult​(Baseline baseline)
        Returns whether a delta metric for the specified metric exists.
        baseline - the baseline to use
        true if a delta is available for the specified metric, false otherwise
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle​(Baseline baseline)
        Returns the title text for the specified baseline.
        baseline - the baseline to get the title for
        the title
      • getAllValues

        public List<Value> getAllValues​(Baseline baseline)
        Returns all available values for the specified baseline.
        baseline - the baseline to get the values for
        the available values
        NoSuchElementException - if this baseline does not provide values
      • getValues

        public List<Value> getValues​(Baseline baseline)
        Returns all important values for the specified baseline.
        baseline - the baseline to get the values for
        the available values
        NoSuchElementException - if this baseline does not provide values
      • getValueForMetric

        public Optional<Value> getValueForMetric​(Baseline baseline,
                                                 Metric metric)
        Returns the value for the specified metric, if available.
        baseline - the baseline to get the value for
        metric - the metric to get the value for
        the optional value
      • formatValue

        public String formatValue​(Baseline baseline,
                                  Metric metric)
        Returns a formatted and localized String representation of the value for the specified metric (with respect to the given baseline).
        baseline - the baseline to use
        metric - the metric to get the delta for
        the formatted value
      • getReferenceBuildLink

        public String getReferenceBuildLink()
        Renders the reference build as HTML-link.
        the reference build
      • getReferenceBuildWarningMessage

        public String getReferenceBuildWarningMessage()
      • createXmlStream

        protected io.jenkins.plugins.util.AbstractXmlStream<Node> createXmlStream()
        Specified by:
        createXmlStream in class io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<Node>
      • createProjectAction

        protected CoverageJobAction createProjectAction()
        Specified by:
        createProjectAction in class io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<Node>
      • getBuildResultBaseName

        protected String getBuildResultBaseName()
        Specified by:
        getBuildResultBaseName in class io.jenkins.plugins.util.BuildAction<Node>
      • getTarget

        public CoverageViewModel getTarget()
        Specified by:
        getTarget in interface org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerProxy