Class Node

    • Constructor Detail

      • Node

        protected Node​(Metric metric,
                       String name)
        Creates a new node with the given name.
        metric - the metric this node belongs to
        name - the human-readable name of the node
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getParentName

        public String getParentName()
        Returns the name of the parent element or ROOT if there is no such element.
        the name of the parent element
      • getMetric

        public Metric getMetric()
      • getMetrics

        public NavigableSet<Metric> getMetrics()
        Returns the available metrics for the whole tree starting with this node.
        the elements in this tree
      • containsMetric

        public boolean containsMetric​(Metric searchMetric)
        Returns whether results for the specified metric are available within the tree spanned by this node.
        searchMetric - the metric to look for
        true if results for the specified metric are available, false otherwise
      • getSourceFolders

        public Set<String> getSourceFolders()
        Returns a collection of source folders that contain the source code files of all file nodes.
        a collection of source folders
      • hasChildren

        public boolean hasChildren()
        Returns whether this node has children or not.
        true if this node has children, false otherwise
      • getChildren

        public List<Node> getChildren()
      • addChild

        public void addChild​(Node child)
        Appends the specified child element to the list of children.
        child - the child to add
      • removeChild

        protected void removeChild​(Node child)
      • addAllChildren

        public void addAllChildren​(Collection<? extends Node> nodes)
        Adds alls given nodes as children to the current node.
        nodes - nodes to add
      • getParent

        public Node getParent()
        Returns the parent node.
        the parent, if existent
        NoSuchElementException - if no parent exists
      • isRoot

        public boolean isRoot()
        Returns whether this node is the root of the tree.
        true if this node is the root of the tree, false otherwise
      • hasParent

        public boolean hasParent()
        Returns whether this node has a parent node.
        true if this node has a parent node, false if it is the root of the hierarchy
      • addValue

        public void addValue​(Value value)
        Appends the specified value to the list of values.
        value - the value to add
      • replaceValue

        public void replaceValue​(Value value)
        Replaces an existing value of the specified metric with the specified value. If no value with the specified metric exists, then the value is added.
        value - the value to replace
      • addAllValues

        protected void addAllValues​(Collection<? extends Value> additionalValues)
      • getValueMetrics

        public NavigableSet<Metric> getValueMetrics()
        Returns the available metrics for the whole tree starting with this node.
        the elements in this tree
      • getValue

        public Optional<Value> getValue​(Metric searchMetric)
        Returns the value for the specified metric. The value is aggregated for the whole subtree this node is the root of.
        searchMetric - the metric to get the value for
        coverage ratio
      • getTypedValue

        public <T extends Value> T getTypedValue​(Metric searchMetric,
                                                 T defaultValue)
        Returns the value for the specified metric. The value is aggregated for the whole subtree this node is the root of.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the value
        searchMetric - the metric to get the value for
        defaultValue - the default value to return if no value has been defined for the specified metric
        coverage ratio
      • aggregateValues

        public List<Value> aggregateValues()
        Aggregates all values that are part of the subtree that is spanned by this node.
        aggregation of values below this tree
      • computeDelta

        public NavigableMap<Metric,​org.apache.commons.lang3.math.Fraction> computeDelta​(Node reference)
        Computes the delta of all metrics between this node and the specified reference node as fractions. Each delta value is computed by the value specific method. If the reference node does not contain a specific metric, then no delta is computed and the metric is omitted in the result map.
        reference - the reference node
        the delta coverage for each available metric as fraction
      • getAll

        public List<Node> getAll​(Metric searchMetric)
        Returns recursively all nodes for the specified metric type.
        searchMetric - the metric to look for
        all nodes for the given metric
      • find

        public Optional<Node> find​(Metric searchMetric,
                                   String searchName)
        Finds the metric with the given name starting from this node.
        searchMetric - the metric to search for
        searchName - the name of the node
        the result if found
      • findPackage

        public Optional<PackageNode> findPackage​(String searchName)
        Searches for a package within this node that has the given name.
        searchName - the name of the package
        the first matching package or an empty result, if no such package exists
      • findFile

        public Optional<FileNode> findFile​(String searchName)
        Searches for a file within this node that has the given name.
        searchName - the name of the file
        the first matching file or an empty result, if no such file exists
      • findClass

        public Optional<ClassNode> findClass​(String searchName)
        Searches for a class within this node that has the given name.
        searchName - the name of the class
        the first matching class or an empty result, if no such class exists
      • findMethod

        public Optional<MethodNode> findMethod​(String searchName,
                                               String searchSignature)
        Searches for a method within this node that has the given name and signature.
        searchName - the name of the method
        searchSignature - the signature of the method
        the first matching method or an empty result, if no such method exists
      • getFiles

        public Set<String> getFiles()
        Returns the file names that are contained within the subtree of this node.
        the file names
      • findByHashCode

        public Optional<Node> findByHashCode​(Metric searchMetric,
                                             int searchNameHashCode)
        Finds the metric with the given hash code starting from this node.
        searchMetric - the metric to search for
        searchNameHashCode - the hash code of the node name
        the result if found
      • matches

        public boolean matches​(Metric searchMetric,
                               String searchName)
        Returns whether this node matches the specified metric and name.
        searchMetric - the metric to search for
        searchName - the name of the node
        the result if found
      • matches

        public boolean matches​(Metric searchMetric,
                               int searchNameHashCode)
        Returns whether this node matches the specified metric and name.
        searchMetric - the metric to search for
        searchNameHashCode - the hash code of the node name
        the result if found
      • copyTree

        public Node copyTree()
        Creates a deep copy of the tree with this as root node.
        the root node of the copied tree
      • copyTree

        public Node copyTree​(@CheckForNull
                             Node copiedParent)
        Creates a deep copy of the tree with the specified Node as root.
        copiedParent - The root node
        the copied tree
      • copyNode

        public final Node copyNode()
        Creates a copy of this instance that has no children and no parent yet. This method will copy all stored values of this node. This method delegates to the instance local copy() method to copy all properties introduced by subclasses.
        the copied node
      • copy

        public abstract Node copy()
        Creates a copy of this instance that has no children and no parent yet. Node properties from the parent class Node must not be copied. All other immutable properties need to be copied one by one.
        the copied node
      • merge

        public static Node merge​(List<? extends Node> nodes)
        Creates a new tree of merged nodes if all nodes have the same name and metric. If the nodes have different names or metrics, then these nodes will be attached to a new ContainerNode node.
        nodes - the nodes to merge
        a new tree with the merged nodes
      • merge

        public Node merge​(Node other)
        Creates a new tree of nodes that will contain the merged nodes of the trees that are starting at this and the specified Node. In order to merge these two trees, this node and the specified other root node have to use the same Metric and name.
        other - the other tree to merge (represented by the root node)
        a new tree with the merged nodes
        IllegalArgumentException - if this root node is not compatible to the other root node
      • setParasoftToolName

        public void setParasoftToolName​(String toolName)
      • getParasoftToolName

        public String getParasoftToolName()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • hasModifiedLines

        public boolean hasModifiedLines()
        Checks whether code any changes have been detected no matter if the code coverage is affected or not.
        true whether code changes have been detected
      • filterByModifiedLines

        public Node filterByModifiedLines()
        Creates a new coverage tree that represents the modified lines coverage. This new tree will contain only those elements that contain modified lines.
        the filtered tree
      • filterTreeByModifiedLines

        protected Optional<Node> filterTreeByModifiedLines()
      • filterByModifiedFiles

        public Node filterByModifiedFiles()
        Creates a new coverage tree that represents the modified files coverage. This new tree will contain only those elements that have modified files. The difference against the modified line coverage is that the modified files coverage tree represents the total coverage of all files with coverage relevant changes, not only the coverage of the modified lines.
        the filtered tree
      • filterTreeByModifiedFiles

        protected Optional<Node> filterTreeByModifiedFiles()
      • filterByIndirectChanges

        public Node filterByIndirectChanges()
        Creates a new coverage tree that shows indirect coverage changes. This new tree will contain only those elements that have elements with a modified coverage but with no modified code lines.
        the filtered tree
      • filterTreeByIndirectChanges

        protected Optional<Node> filterTreeByIndirectChanges()