All Classes and Interfaces

Span reference associate with a BuildStep
Utils for Clock
Useful when the Iterator is backed by an InputStream and the logic of the code dereferences the InputStream, make the Iterator closeable.
Configuration key for the OpenTelemetry SDK ConfigProperties.
Utilities for extracting and reinserting ConsoleNotes.
Use same root span name for all pull change request pipelines (pull request, merge request) Use different span names for different branches.
Capture disk usage metrics relying on the QuickDiskUsagePlugin
Customization of spans for shell step: (sh, cmd, and powershell).
List the attribute keys of the template bindings exposed by ObservabilityBackend.getBindings()

Retrieve the logs from Elasticsearch.
Span reference associate with a FlowNode
Customization of the checkout ... step when configured to access a Git repository.
This implementation of the monitoring of the GitHub client relies on a hack with Java reflection to access a private field of the Connector class because we have not found any public API to observe the state of this GitHub client.
Customization of the span for git steps.
Global singleton similar to the GlobalOpenTelemetry in order to also have a static accessor to the SdkLoggerProvider
List the attribute keys of the template bindings exposed by ObservabilityBackend.getBindings()
Store pipeline logs both in Loki and in the Jenkins home directory.
Adapter to simplify the implementation of pipeline Step listeners.
Readonly ByteBuffer backed by an InputStream
OpenTelemetry instance intended to live on the Jenkins Controller.
Adapter to convert Jenkins credentials to Apache HTTP credentials.
Inspired by io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.javaagent.runtimemetrics.RuntimeMetricsInstaller TODO support reconfiguration of otel.instrumentation.runtime-metrics.enabled=false
use LogLineIterator instead
Converter gets garbage collected when the HTTP session expires
use LogLineIterator instead
Represents a build log line.
Converter gets garbage collected when the HTTP session expires
Generated localization support class.
Span reference associate with a Run
Monitor the Jenkins Build queue
TODO support reconfiguration
List the attribute keys of the template bindings exposed by ObservabilityBackend.getBindings()
Instantiate and configure OpenTelemetry SDKs on the Jenkins build agents
Decorates Jenkins navigation GUI with the OpenTelemetry dashboard link if defined
Propagates trace context to Jenkins build agents and, if enabled, create a span on the jenkins agent side for the remoting call.
RunListener that setups the OpenTelemetry Context with the current Span.
Inject OpenTelemetry environment variables in shell steps: TRACEPARENT, OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT...
Inject OpenTelemetry environment variables in shell steps: TRACEPARENT, OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT...
Inspired by
Binds Otel Logs to Pipeline logs.
Action to decorate Job steps to hold references to Spans
Inject OpenTelemetry environment variables in shell steps: TRACEPARENT, OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT...
Monitor the Jenkins plugins
Span reference associated with a phase of a Run as a Actionable.getActions(Class)
Capture SCM Events metrics
TODO Register the StaplerInstrumentationServletFilter earlier in the chain of Filter of the Jenkins webapp, register it before the HudsonFilter so that the AuditingSecurityListener events can be associated to an HTTP trace.
Instrumentation of the Stapler MVC framework.
Provide bindings for Groovy Template.
Must be a Filter rather than a HttpServletFilter because it must wrap the invocation of the FilterChain to ensure that the Span is correctly associated with the current Context.