All Classes and Interfaces
AbstractOnDiskBinding<C extends com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardCredentials>
Base class for writing credentials to a file or directory, and binding its path to a single variable.
Almquist shell, aka ash, is the default shell in Alpine distribution.
A binding of a single variable.
BindingDescriptor<C extends com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardCredentials>
Describes a
kind.Workflow step to bind credentials.
Trivial secret pattern factory that matches the literal value of the secret.
Generated localization support class.
MultiBinding<C extends com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardCredentials>
A way of binding a kind of credentials to an environment variable during a build.
No-op callback.
Callback run at the end of a build.
Provides encoded forms to an input for use in masking those forms in logs.
Delegating output stream that masks occurrences of a set of secrets.
Convenience class for creating a secure temporary directory dedicated to writing credentials file(s), and getting a