All Classes and Interfaces

Additional filter used by BuildSelector.
Extension point for selecting the build to copy artifacts from.
No longer used.
Build step to copy artifacts from another project.
Provide the configuration about the compatibility mode (either production or migration)
Job Property to define projects that can copy artifacts of this project.
Copy Artifact plugin.
Select a build which is a downstream of a specified build.
No longer used.
No longer used.
Copy artifacts from the latest build (ignoring the build status)
Monitor the list of legacy job configuration that require administrator attention
To keep track of the job rename that occurs while the application is running
Used from jelly (stapler) to hold a selected item.
Used from jelly (stapler) to hold selected items.
Responsible of the data for the monitor.
For Jelly display only Holds the information of the job to display.
The pair of the source job and the destination job.
For Jelly display only Holds information of a source job and destination jobs for that source job.
Data stored in the monitor Information about the build that would fail in Production mode.
For Jelly display only Holds information of the job and builds that would fail in Production mode.
Generated localization support class.
Generated localization support class.
Responsible to ensure the CopyArtifactCompatibilityMode.PRODUCTION is used.
Use a parameter to specify how the build is selected.
Filter to find builds matching particular parameters.
Picks up a build through PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink
Copy artifacts from the latest saved build (marked "keep forever").
Descriptor type for common case where no overrides are needed.
Copy artifacts from a specific build.
Copy artifacts from the latest successful or stable build.
Copy artifacts from the build that triggered this build.
Which build should be used if triggered by multiple upstream builds.
Copy artifacts from the *workspace* of the latest completed build.