Class StandardHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) @Extension(ordinal=-1000.0) public final class StandardHandler extends RelocationHandler
Handler which can move items which are both AbstractItem and TopLevelItem into a DirectlyModifiableTopLevelItemGroup.
  • Constructor Details

    • StandardHandler

      public StandardHandler()
  • Method Details

    • applicability

      public RelocationHandler.HandlingMode applicability(Item item)
      Description copied from class: RelocationHandler
      Checks quickly whether this handler might be able to move a given item.
      Specified by:
      applicability in class RelocationHandler
      item - an item which the user wishes to move
      how this handler might handle the given item
    • handle

      public org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse handle(Item item, ItemGroup<?> destination, AtomicReference<Item> newItem, List<? extends RelocationHandler> chain) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: RelocationHandler
      Possibly handles redirecting an item.
      Specified by:
      handle in class RelocationHandler
      item - an item which the user wishes to move
      destination - the location the user wishes to move it to
      newItem - if moving succeeds, set this to the new item (typically same object as item)
      chain - zero or more remaining handlers which could be delegated to (may call this method on the first and pass in the rest of the chain)
      Failure if the move is known to not be able to proceed, or a custom response such as a redirect, or a delegated response from the first handler in the chain, or null if no HTTP response is warranted or possible
      IOException - if the move was attempted but failed
      InterruptedException - if the move was attempted but was interrupted
    • hasValidDestination

      public boolean hasValidDestination(Item item)
    • validDestinations

      public List<? extends ItemGroup<?>> validDestinations(Item item)
      Description copied from class: RelocationHandler
      Gathers a list of possible destinations to which an item may be moved. The union of all destinations from various handlers is used.
      Specified by:
      validDestinations in class RelocationHandler
      item - an item which the user wishes to move
      potential destinations (may be empty if this handler does not need to add new kinds of destinations)