AbstractNameValueHeader |
Abstract header to show name-value pairs, largely a placeholder for
.jelly files to inherit for children.
BuildCardExtension |
This class is an extension point for a plugin to provide their own behavior for the 'build cards'
that show up in the build pipeline plugin.
BuildVariablesHeader |
Pull values from build variables, hiding sensitive ones
BuildVariablesHeader.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor, since we're in the UI
FilteredVariablesHeader |
Specify which variables to show
FilteredVariablesHeader.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor, since we show it in UI
FilteredVariablesHeader.FilteredVariable |
UI placeholder for a string (yey)
FilteredVariablesHeader.FilteredVariable.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor class, since we're in the UI
NullColumnHeader |
Do not show any column headers
NullColumnHeader.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor, since we're in the UI
ParametersActionHeader |
Provide parameters only from the ParametersAction and nothing else
See issue JENKINS-14591
ParametersActionHeader.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor, since we show it in UI
PipelineHeaderExtension |
An extension point to provide column and/or row headers for the build pipeline
PipelineHeaderExtensionDescriptor |
SimpleColumnHeader |
Just show build name and number
SimpleColumnHeader.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor since we're in the UI
SimpleRowHeader |
Just show the pipeline number
SimpleRowHeader.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor since we're in the UI
StandardBuildCard |
StandardBuildCard.DescriptorImpl |
Descriptor, since we're in the UI