Package org.jenkinsci.remoting.engine
package org.jenkinsci.remoting.engine
ClassDescriptionRepresents the connection state for a
connection.Represents aTcpSlaveAgentListener
endpoint details.Represents a database of clients that are permitted to connect.The types of certificate validation results.Represents the state of a connection event.Marker base class for all stashed state data.A listener for connection state changes.Implements the JNLP4-connect protocol.PassesJnlpConnectionState.CLIENT_NAME_KEY
using an HTTP-style header and lets the server decide how to handle that.JnlpProtocolHandler<STATE extends JnlpConnectionState>Consolidates the protocol handling for both the server and the client ends of the connection.Builds a set ofJnlpProtocolHandler
instances from the supplied preconditions.Performs working directory management in remoting.Defines components of the Working directory.