Class UiPathAssets

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<Builder>, BuildStep, SimpleBuildStep

public class UiPathAssets extends Builder implements SimpleBuildStep
  • Constructor Details

    • UiPathAssets

      @DataBoundConstructor public UiPathAssets(SelectEntry assetsAction, String orchestratorAddress, String orchestratorTenant, String folderName, SelectEntry credentials, String filePath, TraceLevel traceLevel)
      Data bound constructor responsible for setting the values param values to state
      assetsAction - What to do with the assets: deploy or update.
      orchestratorAddress - Address of the orchestrator
      orchestratorTenant - Tenant on which the task needs to run
      folderName - Name of the folder in which the asset needs to updated
      credentials - credentials to make a connection
      filePath - json filePath
      traceLevel - The trace logging level. One of the following values: None, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Verbose. (default None)
  • Method Details

    • perform

      public void perform(@Nonnull Run<?,?> run, @Nonnull FilePath workspace, @Nonnull EnvVars env, @Nonnull Launcher launcher, @Nonnull TaskListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException
      Run this step.
      Specified by:
      perform in interface SimpleBuildStep
      run - a build this is running as a part of
      workspace - a workspace to use for any file operations
      launcher - a way to start processes
      listener - a place to send output
      InterruptedException - if the step is interrupted
      IOException - if something goes wrong
    • getAssetsAction

      public SelectEntry getAssetsAction()
      Getter for assetsAction
      The selected SelectEntry that was selected by the user.
    • getCredentials

      public SelectEntry getCredentials()
      Credentials ID, appearing as choice and will be responsible to extract credentials and use for orchestrator connection
      SelectEntry credentials
    • getOrchestratorAddress

      public String getOrchestratorAddress()
      Base orchestrator URL
      String orchestratorAddress
    • getOrchestratorTenant

      public String getOrchestratorTenant()
      Orchestrator Tenant
      String orchestratorTenant
    • getFolderName

      public String getFolderName()
      Orchestrator Folder
      String folderName
    • getFilePath

      public String getFilePath()
      CSV File Path
      String filePath
    • getTraceLevel

      public TraceLevel getTraceLevel()
      TraceLevel traceLevel