Class ThemeManagerFactoryDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Saveable, OnMaster
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ThemeManagerFactoryDescriptor extends Descriptor<ThemeManagerFactory>
Definition of a Theme Manager
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ThemeManagerFactoryDescriptor

      public ThemeManagerFactoryDescriptor()
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public ThemeManagerFactory getInstance()
    • getThemeId

      public abstract String getThemeId()
      A name for a theme plugin

      This should be all lower case and URL safe, i.e. 'dark', 'neo2'

      The ID can be re-used inside of your plugin if you are serving multiple variations of the theme, i.e. 'Dark', 'Dark (System)' could both be 'dark'.

      Used in generating URLs for Jenkins to find your theme files.

      the theme ID.
    • getThemeKey

      public String getThemeKey()
      A unique key for a theme plugin

      This should be all lower case and URL safe, i.e. 'dark-system', 'neo2'

      Used in the html dataset namespace for the theme.

      the theme key
    • isNamespaced

      public boolean isNamespaced()
      If the theme's CSS will only be selected under the '[data-theme=theme-key]' selector

      It will be served on all pages even if not activated, ensure all selectors are behind the dataset selector.

      All new themes should be namespaced

      if it's namespaced.
    • getThemeCssSuffix

      public String getThemeCssSuffix()
      Name of the theme resource file.

      Used in generating URLs for Jenkins to find your theme files.

      name of the theme resource file.
    • getThemeJsSuffix

      public String getThemeJsSuffix()
      Name of the theme resource file.

      Used in generating URLs for Jenkins to find your theme files.

      name of the theme resource file.
    • all

      descriptor extension list containing all themes.