Class ItemStorage<T extends ObjectPath>

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<ItemStorage<T>>, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
LocalItemStorage, NonAWSS3ItemStorage, S3ItemStorage

public abstract class ItemStorage<T extends ObjectPath> extends AbstractDescribableImpl<ItemStorage<T>> implements ExtensionPoint, Serializable
Extension point for providing a new implementation of item storage that plugins can use to store data associated with an item in whatever storage mechanism the storage implementation provides.
Peter Hayes
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ItemStorage

      public ItemStorage()
  • Method Details

    • getObjectPath

      public abstract T getObjectPath(Item item, String path)
      Given an item and path, return an ObjectPath implementation for it
      item - The item to associate the path with
      path - The path scoped by the item
      The ObjectPath to act upon that path
    • getObjectPathForBranch

      public abstract T getObjectPathForBranch(Item item, String path, String branch)
      Given an item, a path and a branch, return an ObjectPath implementation for it
      item - The item to associate the path with
      path - The path scoped by the item
      branch - The branch for which to get the object path for
      The ObjectPath to act upon that path