Interface Credentials

All Superinterfaces:
Describable<Credentials>, ExtensionPoint, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
CertificateCredentials, DomainRestrictedCredentials, IdCredentials, PasswordCredentials, StandardCertificateCredentials, StandardCredentials, StandardUsernameCredentials, StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials, UsernameCredentials, UsernamePasswordCredentials
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseCredentials, BaseStandardCredentials, CertificateCredentialsImpl, UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl

public interface Credentials extends Describable<Credentials>, Serializable, ExtensionPoint
A generic type of credentials. In general please extend from BaseCredentials rather than implement this interface. The interface is provided:
  1. To allow for orthogonal traits to be built up in interfaces that extend credentials, e.g. username/password vs username/ssh-key vs email/password - a single credentials impl could provide all four fields and different credentials consumers might request the different flavours
  2. In order to facility cases where it is just not possible to change the base class when retrofitting support for credentials into an existing plugin.