Class DefaultOrphanedItemStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<OrphanedItemStrategy>

public class DefaultOrphanedItemStrategy extends OrphanedItemStrategy
The default OrphanedItemStrategy. Trims dead items by the # of days or the # of builds much like LogRotator.
Stephen Connolly
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultOrphanedItemStrategy

      @DataBoundConstructor public DefaultOrphanedItemStrategy(boolean pruneDeadBranches, @CheckForNull String daysToKeepStr, @CheckForNull String numToKeepStr)
      Stapler's constructor.
      pruneDeadBranches - remove dead branches.
      daysToKeepStr - how old a branch must be to remove.
      numToKeepStr - how many branches to keep.
    • DefaultOrphanedItemStrategy

      public DefaultOrphanedItemStrategy(boolean pruneDeadBranches, int daysToKeep, int numToKeep)
      Programmatic constructor.
      pruneDeadBranches - remove dead branches.
      daysToKeep - how old a branch must be to remove.
      numToKeep - how many branches to keep.
  • Method Details

    • getDaysToKeep

      public int getDaysToKeep()
      Gets the number of days to keep dead branches.
      the number of days to keep dead branches.
    • getNumToKeep

      public int getNumToKeep()
      Gets the number of dead branches to keep.
      the number of dead branches to keep.
    • isPruneDeadBranches

      public boolean isPruneDeadBranches()
      Returns true if dead branches should be removed.
      true if dead branches should be removed.
    • isAbortBuilds

      public boolean isAbortBuilds()
      Returns true if pending or ongoing should be aborted.
      true if pending or ongoing should be aborted.
    • setAbortBuilds

      @DataBoundSetter public void setAbortBuilds(boolean abortBuilds)
    • getDaysToKeepStr

      @NonNull public String getDaysToKeepStr()
      Returns the number of days to keep dead branches.
      the number of days to keep dead branches.
    • getNumToKeepStr

      @NonNull public String getNumToKeepStr()
      Gets the number of dead branches to keep.
      the number of dead branches to keep.
    • orphanedItems

      public <I extends TopLevelItem> Collection<I> orphanedItems(ComputedFolder<I> owner, Collection<I> orphaned, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: OrphanedItemStrategy
      Specified by:
      orphanedItems in class OrphanedItemStrategy
      Type Parameters:
      I - the type of item.
      owner - the owning folder.
      orphaned - a nonempty set of items which no longer are supposed to be here
      listener - the listener to report decisions to.
      any subset of orphaned, representing those children which ought to be removed from the folder now; items not listed will be left alone for the time
      IOException - if there was an I/O issue processing the items.
      InterruptedException - if interrupted while processing the items.