Package hudson.slaves

Class NodeProperty<N extends Node>

Type Parameters:
N - NodeProperty can choose to only work with a certain subtype of Node, and this 'N' represents that type. Also see PropertyDescriptor.isApplicable(Class).
All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<NodeProperty<?>>, ReconfigurableDescribable<NodeProperty<?>>
Direct Known Subclasses:
DiskSpaceMonitorNodeProperty, EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty, ToolLocationNodeProperty

public abstract class NodeProperty<N extends Node> extends Object implements ReconfigurableDescribable<NodeProperty<?>>, ExtensionPoint
Extensible property of Node.

Plugins can contribute this extension point to add additional data to Node. NodePropertys show up in the configuration screen of a node, and they are persisted with the Node object.

To add UI action to Nodes, i.e. a new link shown in the left side menu on a node page (./computer/<a node>/), see instead TransientComputerActionFactory.


Added to the configuration page of the node.
Added to the system configuration page.
summary.jelly (optional)
Added to the index page of the Computer associated with the node