Package hudson.model

Interface Queue.Task

All Superinterfaces:
ModelObject, ResourceActivity, SubTask
All Known Subinterfaces:
BuildableItem, BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers, ParameterizedJobMixIn.ParameterizedJob<JobT,RunT>, Queue.FlyweightTask, Queue.NonBlockingTask, Queue.TransientTask, SCMedItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProject, AbstractQueueTask, FreeStyleProject, Project, QueueTaskFilter
Enclosing class:

public static interface Queue.Task extends ModelObject, SubTask
Task whose execution is controlled by the queue.

Value equality of Queue.Tasks is used to collapse two tasks into one. This is used to avoid infinite queue backlog.

Pending Queue.Tasks are persisted when Hudson shuts down, so it needs to be persistable via XStream. To create a non-persisted transient Task, extend Queue.TransientTask marker interface.

Plugins are encouraged to implement AccessControlled otherwise the tasks will be hidden from display in the queue.

For historical reasons, Queue.Task object by itself also represents the "primary" sub-task (and as implied by this design, a Queue.Task must have at least one sub-task.) Most of the time, the primary subtask is the only sub task.

  • Method Details

    • isBuildBlocked

      @Deprecated default boolean isBuildBlocked()
      Returns true if the execution should be blocked for temporary reasons.
    • getWhyBlocked

      @Deprecated default String getWhyBlocked()
      as of 1.330 Use CauseOfBlockage.getShortDescription() instead.
    • getCauseOfBlockage

      @CheckForNull default CauseOfBlockage getCauseOfBlockage()
      If the execution of this task should be blocked for temporary reasons, this method returns a non-null object explaining why.

      Otherwise this method returns null, indicating that the build can proceed right away.

      This can be used to define mutual exclusion that goes beyond ResourceActivity.getResourceList().

      by default, null
    • getName

      String getName()
      Unique name of this task.

      This method is no longer used, left here for compatibility. Just return ModelObject.getDisplayName().

    • getFullDisplayName

      String getFullDisplayName()
      See Also:
    • getAffinityKey

      default String getAffinityKey()
      Returns task-specific key which is used by the LoadBalancer to choose one particular executor amongst all the free executors on all possibly suitable nodes. NOTE: To be able to re-use the same node during the next run this key should not change from one run to another. You probably want to compute that key based on the job's name.
      by default: getFullDisplayName()
      See Also:
    • checkAbortPermission

      default void checkAbortPermission()
      Checks the permission to see if the current user can abort this executable. Returns normally from this method if it's OK.

      NOTE: If you have implemented AccessControlled this defaults to checkPermission(hudson.model.Item.CANCEL);

      Throws: - if the permission is not granted.
    • hasAbortPermission

      default boolean hasAbortPermission()
      Works just like checkAbortPermission() except it indicates the status by a return value, instead of exception. Also used by default for QueueItem.hasCancelPermission().

      NOTE: If you have implemented AccessControlled this returns by default return hasPermission(hudson.model.Item.CANCEL);

      false if the user doesn't have the permission.
    • getUrl

      String getUrl()
      Returns the URL of this task relative to the context root of the application.

      When the user clicks an item in the queue, this is the page where the user is taken to. Hudson expects the current instance to be bound to the URL returned by this method.

      URL that ends with '/'.
    • isConcurrentBuild

      default boolean isConcurrentBuild()
      True if the task allows concurrent builds, where the same Queue.Task is executed by multiple executors concurrently on the same or different nodes.
      by default, false
    • getSubTasks

      default Collection<? extends SubTask> getSubTasks()
      Obtains the SubTasks that constitute this task.

      The collection returned by this method must also contain the primary SubTask represented by this Queue.Task object itself as the first element. The returned value is read-only.

      At least size 1.

      by default, this
    • getDefaultAuthentication2

      @NonNull default getDefaultAuthentication2()
      This method allows the task to provide the default fallback authentication object to be used when QueueItemAuthenticator fails to authenticate the build.

      When the task execution touches other objects inside Jenkins, the access control is performed based on whether this Authentication is allowed to use them.

      by default, ACL.SYSTEM2
      See Also:
    • getDefaultAuthentication

      @Deprecated @NonNull default Authentication getDefaultAuthentication()
    • getDefaultAuthentication2

      @NonNull default getDefaultAuthentication2(Queue.Item item)
      This method allows the task to provide the default fallback authentication object to be used when QueueItemAuthenticator fails to authenticate the build.

      When the task execution touches other objects inside Jenkins, the access control is performed based on whether this Authentication is allowed to use them.

      This method was added to an interface after it was created, so plugins built against older versions of Jenkins may not have this method implemented. Called private method _getDefaultAuthenticationOf(Task) on Tasks to avoid AbstractMethodError.

      See Also:
    • getDefaultAuthentication

      @Deprecated @NonNull default Authentication getDefaultAuthentication(Queue.Item item)