Package hudson.model

Class PasswordParameterValue

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PasswordParameterValue extends ParameterValue
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PasswordParameterValue

      public PasswordParameterValue(String name, String value)
    • PasswordParameterValue

      @Deprecated public PasswordParameterValue(String name, String value, String description)
    • PasswordParameterValue

      @DataBoundConstructor public PasswordParameterValue(String name, Secret value, String description)
  • Method Details

    • buildEnvironment

      public void buildEnvironment(Run<?,?> build, EnvVars env)
      Description copied from class: ParameterValue
      Adds environmental variables for the builds to the given map.

      This provides a means for a parameter to pass the parameter values to the build to be performed.

      When this method is invoked, the map already contains the current "planned export" list. The implementation is expected to add more values to this map (or do nothing)

      buildEnvironment in class ParameterValue
      build - The build for which this parameter is being used. Never null.
      env - never null.
    • createVariableResolver

      public VariableResolver<String> createVariableResolver(AbstractBuild<?,?> build)
      Description copied from class: ParameterValue
      Returns a VariableResolver so that other components like Builders can perform variable substitution to reflect parameter values into the build process.

      This is yet another means in which a ParameterValue can influence a build.

      createVariableResolver in class ParameterValue
      build - The build for which this parameter is being used. Never null.
      if the parameter value is not interested in participating to the variable replacement process, return VariableResolver.NONE.
    • isSensitive

      public boolean isSensitive()
      Description copied from class: ParameterValue
      Returns whether the information contained in this ParameterValue is sensitive or security related. Used to determine whether the value provided by this object should be masked in output.

      Subclasses can override this to control the return value.

      isSensitive in class ParameterValue
    • getValue

      @NonNull public Secret getValue()
      Description copied from class: ParameterValue
      Returns the most natural Java object that represents the actual value, like boolean, string, etc.
      getValue in class ParameterValue
      if there is no natural value for this parameter type, this may be used; null may be used when the value is normally defined but missing in this case for various reasons
    • getShortDescription

      public String getShortDescription()
      Description copied from class: ParameterValue
      Computes a human-readable possible-localized one-line description of the parameter value.

      This message is used as a tooltip to describe jobs in the queue. The text should be one line without new line. No HTML allowed (the caller will perform necessary HTML escapes, so any text can be returned.)

      getShortDescription in class ParameterValue