Class ExportConfig


public class ExportConfig extends Object
Controls the output behaviour.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

    • prettyPrint

      @Deprecated public boolean prettyPrint
      Use getter and setter
  • Constructor Details

    • ExportConfig

      public ExportConfig()
  • Method Details

    • isPrettyPrint

      public boolean isPrettyPrint()
      If true, output will be indented to make it easier for humans to understand.
    • withPrettyPrint

      public ExportConfig withPrettyPrint(boolean prettyPrint)
      If true, output will be indented to make it easier for humans to understand.
    • getClassAttribute

      public ClassAttributeBehaviour getClassAttribute()
    • withClassAttribute

      public ExportConfig withClassAttribute(ClassAttributeBehaviour cab)
      Controls the behaviour of the class attribute to be produced.
    • getExportInterceptor

      public ExportInterceptor getExportInterceptor()
      Controls serialization of Exported properties.
    • withExportInterceptor

      public ExportConfig withExportInterceptor(ExportInterceptor interceptor)
    • withSkipIfFail

      public ExportConfig withSkipIfFail(boolean skipIfFail)
    • isSkipIfFail

      public boolean isSkipIfFail()
      Turn on or off pretty printing of serialized data.
    • getFlavor

      public Flavor getFlavor()
      Gives Flavor
    • withFlavor

      public ExportConfig withFlavor(Flavor flavor)