List the downstream jobs who have a dependency on an artifact that has been generated by the given build
(build identified by the given jobFullName, buildNumber).
List the upstream jobs who generate an artifact that the given build depends
on, including transitive dependencies (build identified by the given
jobFullName, buildNumber)
List the upstream jobs who generate an artifact that the given build depends
on, including transitive dependencies (build identified by the given
jobFullName, buildNumber)
Use a memory for already known upstreams to boost performance
List the upstream jobs who generate an artifact that the given build depends on
(build identified by the given jobFullName, buildNumber)
Doesn't return the passed job in case where a pipeline consumes an artifact it also produces
version - Maven artifact version, the "expanded version" for snapshots who have been "mvn deploy" or equivalent
(e.g. "1.1-20170808.155524-66" for "1.1-SNAPSHOT" deployed to a repo)
type - Maven artifact type (e.g. "jar", "war", "pom", hpi"...)
baseVersion - Maven artifact version, the NOT "expanded version" for snapshots who have been "mvn deploy" or equivalent
(e.g. baseVersion is "1.1-SNAPSHOT" for a "1.1-SNAPSHOT" artifact that has been deployed to a repo and expanded
to "1.1-20170808.155524-66")
repositoryUrl - URL of the Maven repository on which the artifact is deployed ("mvn deploy"). null if the artifact was not deployed
skipDownstreamTriggers - see PipelineGraphPublisher#isSkipDownstreamTriggers()
extension -
classifier -
voidrecordBuildUpstreamCause(String upstreamJobName,
int upstreamBuildNumber,
String downstreamJobName,
int downstreamBuildNumber)
TODO add MavenArtifact as org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.maven.cause.MavenDependencyUpstreamCause gives these details
List the downstream jobs who have a dependency on an artifact that has been generated by the given build
(build identified by the given jobFullName, buildNumber).
Doesn't return the passed job in case where a pipeline consumes an artifact it also produces
List the downstream jobs who have a dependency on an artifact that has been generated by the given build
(build identified by the given jobFullName, buildNumber).
Doesn't return the passed job in case where a pipeline consumes an artifact it also produces
String jobFullName,
int buildNumber)
List the upstream jobs who generate an artifact that the given build depends on
(build identified by the given jobFullName, buildNumber)
Doesn't return the passed job in case where a pipeline consumes an artifact it also produces
String jobFullName,
int buildNumber)
List the upstream jobs who generate an artifact that the given build depends
on, including transitive dependencies (build identified by the given
jobFullName, buildNumber)
List the upstream jobs who generate an artifact that the given build depends
on, including transitive dependencies (build identified by the given
jobFullName, buildNumber)
Use a memory for already known upstreams to boost performance
Indicates if the underlying database is production grade enough for the workload.
H2 database is not enough for production grade workloads of the pipeline-maven-plugin.
false if the underlying database is not production grade enough for the workload
listDownstreamJobsByArtifact(String, int)