Class CustomTypePipelineMavenPluginDaoDecorator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, PipelineMavenPluginDao

public class CustomTypePipelineMavenPluginDaoDecorator extends AbstractPipelineMavenPluginDaoDecorator
This decorator handles the reporting of generated artifacts with custom types which do not match the artifact extension.
  • Constructor Details

    • CustomTypePipelineMavenPluginDaoDecorator

      public CustomTypePipelineMavenPluginDaoDecorator(@NonNull PipelineMavenPluginDao delegate)
  • Method Details

    • recordGeneratedArtifact

      public void recordGeneratedArtifact(@NonNull String jobFullName, int buildNumber, @NonNull String groupId, @NonNull String artifactId, @NonNull String version, @NonNull String type, @NonNull String baseVersion, @Nullable String repositoryUrl, boolean skipDownstreamTriggers, String extension, String classifier)
      Description copied from interface: PipelineMavenPluginDao
      Record a Maven artifact generated in a build.
      Specified by:
      recordGeneratedArtifact in interface PipelineMavenPluginDao
      recordGeneratedArtifact in class AbstractPipelineMavenPluginDaoDecorator
      jobFullName - see Item.getFullName()
      buildNumber - see Run.getNumber()
      groupId - Maven artifact groupId
      artifactId - Maven artifact artifactId
      version - Maven artifact version, the "expanded version" for snapshots who have been "mvn deploy" or equivalent (e.g. "1.1-20170808.155524-66" for "1.1-SNAPSHOT" deployed to a repo)
      type - Maven artifact type (e.g. "jar", "war", "pom", hpi"...)
      baseVersion - Maven artifact version, the NOT "expanded version" for snapshots who have been "mvn deploy" or equivalent (e.g. baseVersion is "1.1-SNAPSHOT" for a "1.1-SNAPSHOT" artifact that has been deployed to a repo and expanded to "1.1-20170808.155524-66")
      repositoryUrl - URL of the Maven repository on which the artifact is deployed ("mvn deploy"). null if the artifact was not deployed
      skipDownstreamTriggers - see PipelineGraphPublisher#isSkipDownstreamTriggers()