Class |
Description |
AbstractArtifactURLBuilder |
This class provides basic functionality to allow the creation of a valid download link for a given artifact.
AbstractMavenArtifactChoiceListProvider |
AbstractMavenArtifactChoiceListProvider.DescriptorImpl |
AbstractMavenArtifactDescriptorImpl |
Base Class for a Descriptor.
AbstractRESTfulVersionReader |
Basic Class for perform artifact searches against an RESTful service API,
like Nexus and Artifactory.
ArtifactoryChoiceListProvider |
ArtifactoryChoiceListProvider.ArtifactoryDescriptorImpl |
ArtifactorySearchService |
Class utilizes the RESTful Search API from jFrog Artifactory to search for
BaseAsset |
Checksum |
DirectArtifactURLBuilder |
Provides functionality to retrieve an artifact as a direct link from the repository, such as:
Limitations: This implementation does not work for snapshots.
IArtifactURLBuilder |
This interface is to allow different implementation on how to retrieve an artifact from a Nexus repository.
Item |
POJO for Nexus3 REST API.
IVersionReader |
Maven2 |
Maven2Asset |
MavenArtifactChoiceListProviderUtils |
MavenCentralChoiceListProvider |
The implementation of the ChoiceListProvider for MavenCentral repository.
MavenCentralChoiceListProvider.MavenDescriptorImpl |
MavenCentralResponseModel |
MavenCentralResponseParser |
Wrapper for parsing a response from Maven Central Search Service
MavenCentralSearchService |
MavenMetaData |
MavenMetadataChoiceListProvider |
MavenMetadataChoiceListProvider.MavenMetadataDescriptorImpl |
MavenMetadataSearchService |
Nexus3ChoiceListProvider |
Nexus3ChoiceListProvider.Nexus3DescriptorImpl |
Nexus3GenericChoiceListProvider |
Nexus3GenericChoiceListProvider.Nexus3GenericDescriptorImpl |
Nexus3RestApiAssetForGenericArtifactsService |
Nexus3RestApiAssetService |
Nexus3RESTfulParameterBuilderForGenericArtifacts |
Creates URL Parameters for a NEXUS and Artifactory Repository.
Nexus3RESTfulParameterBuilderForMaven2Artifacts |
Creates URL Parameters for a NEXUS and Artifactory Repository.
Nexus3RestResponse |
POJO for Nexus3 API.
NexusChoiceListProvider |
NexusChoiceListProvider.NexusDescriptorImpl |
NexusContentServiceArtifactURLBuilder |
This implementation creates a download link for the given artifact by using
an inbuild Nexus service.
NexusLuceneSearchService |
NPMAsset |
PatchedSearchNGResponse |
REST Response object for a list of search results, contains the
typical 'data' parameter, which is a
list of search results.
RESTfulParameterBuilder |
Creates URL Parameters for a Nexus, Nexus3 and Artifactory Repository.
StandardRESTfulParameterBuilder |
Valid for Nexus2 and Artifactory.
ValidAndInvalidClassifier |
Version |
Versioning |
VersionReaderException |