Class HookProcessor

Direct Known Subclasses:
NativeServerPingHookProcessor, NativeServerPullRequestHookProcessor, NativeServerPushHookProcessor, PullRequestHookProcessor, PushHookProcessor

public abstract class HookProcessor extends Object
Abstract hook processor. Add new hook processors by extending this class and implement process(HookEventType, String, BitbucketType, String), extract details from the hook payload and then fire an SCMEvent to dispatch it to the SCM API.
  • Field Details


      protected static final String SCAN_ON_EMPTY_CHANGES_PROPERTY_NAME
      See Also:

      protected static final boolean SCAN_ON_EMPTY_CHANGES
  • Constructor Details

    • HookProcessor

      public HookProcessor()
  • Method Details

    • process

      @Deprecated @Restricted(org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse.class) public void process(String payload, BitbucketType instanceType)
      See Event Payloads for more information about the payload parameter format.
      payload - the hook payload
      instanceType - the Bitbucket type that called the hook
    • process

      public abstract void process(HookEventType type, String payload, BitbucketType instanceType, String origin)
      See Event Payloads for more information about the payload parameter format.
      type - the type of hook.
      payload - the hook payload
      instanceType - the Bitbucket type that called the hook
      origin - the origin of the event.
    • process

      public void process(HookEventType type, String payload, BitbucketType instanceType, String origin, String serverUrl)
      See Event Payloads for more information about the payload parameter format.
      type - the type of hook.
      payload - the hook payload
      instanceType - the Bitbucket type that called the hook
      origin - the origin of the event.
      serverUrl - special value for native Bitbucket Server hooks which don't expose the server URL in the payload.
    • scmSourceReIndex

      protected void scmSourceReIndex(String owner, String repository, String mirrorId)
      To be called by implementations once the owner and the repository have been extracted from the payload.
      owner - the repository owner as configured in the SCMSource
      repository - the repository name as configured in the SCMSource
      mirrorId - the mirror id if applicable, may be null
    • notifyEvent

      protected void notifyEvent(jenkins.scm.api.SCMHeadEvent<?> event, int delaySeconds)
      Implementations have to call this method when want propagate an SCMHeadEvent to the scm-api.
      event - the to fire
      delaySeconds - a delay in seconds to wait before propagate the event. If the given value is less than 0 than default will be used.