Class PipelineMetadataService

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint,, io.jenkins.blueocean.Routable

@Extension public class PipelineMetadataService extends Object implements
This provides and Blueocean REST API endpoint to obtain pipeline step metadata. TODO: this should be provided off of the organization endpoint: e.g. /organization/:id/pipeline-metadata
  • Constructor Details

    • PipelineMetadataService

      public PipelineMetadataService()
  • Method Details

    • getUrlName

      public String getUrlName()
      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface
      Specified by:
      getUrlName in interface io.jenkins.blueocean.Routable
    • doCrumbInfo

      @GET public String doCrumbInfo()
    • doAgentMetadata

      @GET public ExportedDescribableModel[] doAgentMetadata()
      Function to return all DeclarativeAgents present in the system when accessed through the REST API
    • doToolMetadata

      @GET public ExportedToolDescriptor[] doToolMetadata()
      Function to return all ExportedToolDescriptors present in the system when accessed through the REST API, pipeline scripts need: symbol and name to specify tools
    • doBuildConditions

      @GET public ExportedBuildCondition[] doBuildConditions()
      Function to return the names of all build conditions present in the system when accessed through the REST API
    • doWrapperMetadata

      @GET public ExportedPipelineStep[] doWrapperMetadata()
      Function to return all applicable step descriptors for the "wrappers" section.
    • doPipelineStepMetadata

      @GET public ExportedPipelineFunction[] doPipelineStepMetadata()
      Function to return all step descriptors present in the system when accessed through the REST API