Package hudson.util

Class ArgumentListBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • ArgumentListBuilder

        public ArgumentListBuilder()
      • ArgumentListBuilder

        public ArgumentListBuilder​(String... args)
    • Method Detail

      • addQuoted

        public ArgumentListBuilder addQuoted​(String a)
        Adds an argument by quoting it. This is necessary only in a rare circumstance, such as when adding argument for ssh and rsh. Normal process invocations don't need it, because each argument is treated as its own string and never merged into one.
      • addTokenized

        public ArgumentListBuilder addTokenized​(String s)
        Decomposes the given token into multiple arguments by splitting via whitespace.
      • addKeyValuePairs

        public ArgumentListBuilder addKeyValuePairs​(String prefix,
                                                    Map<String,​String> props)
        Adds key value pairs as "-Dkey=value -Dkey=value ..." -D portion is configurable as the 'prefix' parameter.
      • addKeyValuePairs

        public ArgumentListBuilder addKeyValuePairs​(String prefix,
                                                    Map<String,​String> props,
                                                    Set<String> propsToMask)
        Adds key value pairs as "-Dkey=value -Dkey=value ..." with masking.
        prefix - Configures the -D portion of the example. Defaults to -D if null.
        props - The map of key/value pairs to add
        propsToMask - Set containing key names to mark as masked in the argument list. Key names that do not exist in the set will be added unmasked.
      • addKeyValuePairsFromPropertyString

        public ArgumentListBuilder addKeyValuePairsFromPropertyString​(String prefix,
                                                                      String properties,
                                                                      VariableResolver<String> vr)
                                                               throws IOException
        Adds key value pairs as "-Dkey=value -Dkey=value ..." by parsing a given string using Properties.
        prefix - The '-D' portion of the example. Defaults to -D if null.
        properties - The persisted form of Properties. For example, "abc=def\nghi=jkl". Can be null, in which case this method becomes no-op.
        vr - VariableResolver to resolve variables in properties string.
      • addKeyValuePairsFromPropertyString

        public ArgumentListBuilder addKeyValuePairsFromPropertyString​(String prefix,
                                                                      String properties,
                                                                      VariableResolver<String> vr,
                                                                      Set<String> propsToMask)
                                                               throws IOException
        Adds key value pairs as "-Dkey=value -Dkey=value ..." by parsing a given string using Properties with masking.
        prefix - The '-D' portion of the example. Defaults to -D if null.
        properties - The persisted form of Properties. For example, "abc=def\nghi=jkl". Can be null, in which case this method becomes no-op.
        vr - VariableResolver to resolve variables in properties string.
        propsToMask - Set containing key names to mark as masked in the argument list. Key names that do not exist in the set will be added unmasked.
      • toCommandArray

        public String[] toCommandArray()
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Re-initializes the arguments list.
      • toStringWithQuote

        public String toStringWithQuote()
        Just adds quotes around args containing spaces, but no other special characters, so this method should generally be used only for informational/logging purposes.
      • toWindowsCommand

        public ArgumentListBuilder toWindowsCommand​(boolean escapeVars)
        Wrap command in a CMD.EXE call so we can return the exit code (ERRORLEVEL). This method takes care of escaping special characters in the command, which is needed since the command is now passed as a string to the CMD.EXE shell. This is done as follows: Wrap arguments in double quotes if they contain any of: space *?,;^&<>|" and if escapeVars is true, % followed by a letter.

        When testing from command prompt, these characters also need to be prepended with a ^ character: ^&<>|—however, invoking cmd.exe from Jenkins does not seem to require this extra escaping so it is not added by this method.

        A " is prepended with another " character. Note: Windows has issues escaping some combinations of quotes and spaces. Quotes should be avoided.

        If escapeVars is true, a % followed by a letter has that letter wrapped in double quotes, to avoid possible variable expansion. ie, %foo% becomes "%"f"oo%". The second % does not need special handling because it is not followed by a letter.

        Example: "-Dfoo=*abc?def;ghi^jkl&mno<pqr>stu|vwx""yz%"e"nd"

        escapeVars - True to escape %VAR% references; false to leave these alone so they may be expanded when the command is run
        new ArgumentListBuilder that runs given command through cmd.exe /C
      • hasMaskedArguments

        public boolean hasMaskedArguments()
        Returns true if there are any masked arguments.
        true if there are any masked arguments; false otherwise
      • toMaskArray

        public boolean[] toMaskArray()
        Returns an array of booleans where the masked arguments are marked as true
        an array of booleans.
      • addMasked

        public void addMasked​(String string)
        Add a masked argument
        string - the argument
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Debug/error message friendly output.
        toString in class Object