Class XMLParser

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler

public class XMLParser extends DefaultHandler

XMLParser parses the XML Jelly format. The SAXParser and XMLReader portions of this code come from Digester.

$Revision: 219726 $
James Strachan
  • Field Details

    • classLoader

      protected ClassLoader classLoader
      The class loader to use for instantiating application objects. If not specified, the context class loader, or the class loader used to load XMLParser itself, is used, based on the value of the useContextClassLoader variable.
    • useContextClassLoader

      protected boolean useContextClassLoader
      Do we want to use the Context ClassLoader when loading classes for instantiating new objects? Default is false.
    • errorHandler

      protected ErrorHandler errorHandler
      The application-supplied error handler that is notified when parsing warnings, errors, or fatal errors occur.
    • factory

      protected static SAXParserFactory factory
      The SAXParserFactory that is created the first time we need it.
    • parser

      protected SAXParser parser
      The SAXParser we will use to parse the input stream.
    • reader

      protected XMLReader reader
      The XMLReader used to parse digester rules.
    • locator

      protected Locator locator
      The Locator associated with our parser.
    • namespaces

      protected Map namespaces
      Registered namespaces we are currently processing. The key is the namespace prefix that was declared in the document. The value is an ArrayStack of the namespace URIs this prefix has been mapped to -- the top Stack element is the most current one. (This architecture is required because documents can declare nested uses of the same prefix for different Namespace URIs).
    • validating

      protected boolean validating
      Do we want to use a validating parser?
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLParser

      public XMLParser()
      Construct a new XMLParser with default properties.
    • XMLParser

      public XMLParser(boolean allowDtdToCallExternalEntities)
      Construct a new XMLParser, with the boolean allowDtdToCallExternalEntities being passed in. If this is set to false, the XMLParser will be created with: XMLReader spf = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); spf.setFeature("", false); spf.setFeature("", false); spf.setFeature("",false); as given by
    • XMLParser

      public XMLParser(SAXParser parser)
      Construct a new XMLParser, allowing a SAXParser to be passed in. This allows XMLParser to be used in environments which are unfriendly to JAXP1.1 (such as WebLogic 6.0). Thanks for the request to change go to James House ( This may help in places where you are able to load JAXP 1.1 classes yourself.
    • XMLParser

      public XMLParser(XMLReader reader)
      Construct a new XMLParser, allowing an XMLReader to be passed in. This allows XMLParser to be used in environments which are unfriendly to JAXP1.1 (such as WebLogic 6.0). Note that if you use this option you have to configure namespace and validation support yourself, as these properties only affect the SAXParser and emtpy constructor.
  • Method Details

    • setEscapeByDefault

      public void setEscapeByDefault(boolean escapeByDefault)
    • isEscapeByDefault

      public boolean isEscapeByDefault()
    • parse

      public Script parse(File file) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse the content of the specified file using this XMLParser. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).
      file - File containing the XML data to be parsed
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • parse

      public Script parse(URL url) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse the content of the specified file using this XMLParser. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).
      url - URL containing the XML data to be parsed
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • parse

      public Script parse(InputSource input) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse the content of the specified input source using this XMLParser. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).
      input - Input source containing the XML data to be parsed
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • parse

      public Script parse(InputStream input) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse the content of the specified input stream using this XMLParser. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any). (Note: if reading a File or URL, use one of the URL-based parse methods instead. This method will not be able to resolve any relative paths inside a DTD.)
      input - Input stream containing the XML data to be parsed
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • parse

      public Script parse(Reader reader) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse the content of the specified reader using this XMLParser. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any). (Note: if reading a File or URL, use one of the URL-based parse methods instead. This method will not be able to resolve any relative paths inside a DTD.)
      reader - Reader containing the XML data to be parsed
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • parse

      public Script parse(String uri) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse the content of the specified URI using this XMLParser. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).
      uri - URI containing the XML data to be parsed
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • findNamespaceURI

      public String findNamespaceURI(String prefix)
      Return the currently mapped namespace URI for the specified prefix, if any; otherwise return null. These mappings come and go dynamically as the document is parsed.
      prefix - Prefix to look up
    • getContext

      public JellyContext getContext()
    • setContext

      public void setContext(JellyContext context)
    • setDefaultNamespaceURI

      public void setDefaultNamespaceURI(String namespace)
      Set the jelly namespace to use for unprefixed elements. Will be overridden by an explicit namespace in the XML document.
      namespace - jelly namespace to use (e.g. 'jelly:core')
    • getClassLoader

      public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      Return the class loader to be used for instantiating application objects when required. This is determined based upon the following rules:
      • The class loader set by setClassLoader(), if any
      • The thread context class loader, if it exists and the useContextClassLoader property is set to true
      • The class loader used to load the XMLParser class itself.
    • setClassLoader

      public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Set the class loader to be used for instantiating application objects when required.
      classLoader - The new class loader to use, or null to revert to the standard rules
    • getUseContextClassLoader

      public boolean getUseContextClassLoader()
      Return the boolean as to whether the context classloader should be used.
    • setUseContextClassLoader

      public void setUseContextClassLoader(boolean use)
      Determine whether to use the Context ClassLoader (the one found by calling Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) to resolve/load classes. If not using Context ClassLoader, then the class-loading defaults to using the calling-class' ClassLoader.
      use - determines whether to use JellyContext ClassLoader.
    • getErrorHandler

      public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
      Return the error handler for this XMLParser.
    • setErrorHandler

      public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
      Set the error handler for this XMLParser.
      errorHandler - The new error handler
    • getLogger

      public org.apache.commons.logging.Log getLogger()
      Return the current Logger associated with this instance of the XMLParser
    • setLogger

      public void setLogger(org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
      Set the current logger for this XMLParser.
    • getExpressionFactory

      public ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory()
      the expression factory used to evaluate tag attributes
    • setExpressionFactory

      public void setExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory expressionFactory)
      Sets the expression factory used to evaluate tag attributes
    • getParser

      public SAXParser getParser()
      Return the SAXParser we will use to parse the input stream. If there is a problem creating the parser, return null.
    • getReader

      public XMLReader getReader()
      Use getXMLReader() instead, which can throw a SAXException if the reader cannot be instantiated
      By setting the reader in the constructor, you can bypass JAXP and be able to use digester in Weblogic 6.0.
    • getXMLReader

      public XMLReader getXMLReader() throws SAXException
      Return the XMLReader to be used for parsing the input document.
      SAXException - if no XMLReader can be instantiated
    • getValidating

      public boolean getValidating()
      Return the validating parser flag.
    • setValidating

      public void setValidating(boolean validating)
      Set the validating parser flag. This must be called before parse() is called the first time.
      validating - The new validating parser flag.
    • getScript

      public ScriptBlock getScript()
      Returns the script that has just been created if this class is used as a SAX ContentHandler and passed into some XML processor or parser.
      the ScriptBlock created if SAX events are piped into this class, which must include a startDocument() and endDocument()
    • startDocument

      public void startDocument() throws SAXException
      Process notification of the beginning of the document being reached.
      Specified by:
      startDocument in interface ContentHandler
      startDocument in class DefaultHandler
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • endDocument

      public void endDocument() throws SAXException
      Process notification of the end of the document being reached.
      Specified by:
      endDocument in interface ContentHandler
      endDocument in class DefaultHandler
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • isAllowDtdToCallExternalEntities

      public boolean isAllowDtdToCallExternalEntities()
      Gets the internal state for allowance for DTDs to call external resources.
      true if we are allowed to make external calls to entities during XML parsing by custom declared resources in the DTD.
    • setAllowDtdToCallExternalEntities

      public void setAllowDtdToCallExternalEntities(boolean allowDtdToCallExternalEntities)
      Sets the boolean allowDtdToCallExternalEntities. If this is set to false, the XMLParser will be created with: XMLReader spf = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); spf.setFeature("", false); spf.setFeature("", false); spf.setFeature("",false); as given by
    • startElement

      public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes list) throws SAXException
      Process notification of the start of an XML element being reached.
      Specified by:
      startElement in interface ContentHandler
      startElement in class DefaultHandler
      namespaceURI - The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
      localName - The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
      qName - The qualified name (with prefix), or the empty string if qualified names are not available.\
      list - The attributes attached to the element. If there are no attributes, it shall be an empty Attributes object.
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • characters

      public void characters(char[] buffer, int start, int length) throws SAXException
      Process notification of character data received from the body of an XML element.
      Specified by:
      characters in interface ContentHandler
      characters in class DefaultHandler
      buffer - The characters from the XML document
      start - Starting offset into the buffer
      length - Number of characters from the buffer
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • endElement

      public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException
      Process notification of the end of an XML element being reached.
      Specified by:
      endElement in interface ContentHandler
      endElement in class DefaultHandler
      namespaceURI - The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
      localName - The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
      qName - The qualified XML 1.0 name (with prefix), or the empty string if qualified names are not available.
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • startPrefixMapping

      public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String namespaceURI) throws SAXException
      Process notification that a namespace prefix is coming in to scope.
      Specified by:
      startPrefixMapping in interface ContentHandler
      startPrefixMapping in class DefaultHandler
      prefix - Prefix that is being declared
      namespaceURI - Corresponding namespace URI being mapped to
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • endPrefixMapping

      public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
      Process notification that a namespace prefix is going out of scope.
      Specified by:
      endPrefixMapping in interface ContentHandler
      endPrefixMapping in class DefaultHandler
      prefix - Prefix that is going out of scope
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • ignorableWhitespace

      public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] buffer, int start, int len) throws SAXException
      Process notification of ignorable whitespace received from the body of an XML element.
      Specified by:
      ignorableWhitespace in interface ContentHandler
      ignorableWhitespace in class DefaultHandler
      buffer - The characters from the XML document
      start - Starting offset into the buffer
      len - Number of characters from the buffer
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • processingInstruction

      public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException
      Process notification of a processing instruction that was encountered.
      Specified by:
      processingInstruction in interface ContentHandler
      processingInstruction in class DefaultHandler
      target - The processing instruction target
      data - The processing instruction data (if any)
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • setDocumentLocator

      public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator)
      Set the document locator associated with our parser.
      Specified by:
      setDocumentLocator in interface ContentHandler
      setDocumentLocator in class DefaultHandler
      locator - The new locator
    • skippedEntity

      public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException
      Process notification of a skipped entity.
      Specified by:
      skippedEntity in interface ContentHandler
      skippedEntity in class DefaultHandler
      name - Name of the skipped entity
      SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported
    • notationDecl

      public void notationDecl(String name, String publicId, String systemId)
      Receive notification of a notation declaration event.
      Specified by:
      notationDecl in interface DTDHandler
      notationDecl in class DefaultHandler
      name - The notation name
      publicId - The public identifier (if any)
      systemId - The system identifier (if any)
    • unparsedEntityDecl

      public void unparsedEntityDecl(String name, String publicId, String systemId, String notation)
      Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event.
      Specified by:
      unparsedEntityDecl in interface DTDHandler
      unparsedEntityDecl in class DefaultHandler
      name - The unparsed entity name
      publicId - The public identifier (if any)
      systemId - The system identifier (if any)
      notation - The name of the associated notation
    • error

      public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException
      Forward notification of a parsing error to the application supplied error handler, if any, otherwise throw a SAXException with the error.
      exception - The error information
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • fatalError

      public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException
      Forward notification of a fatal parsing error to the application supplied error handler, if any, otherwise throw a SAXException with the error.
      exception - The fatal error information
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • warning

      public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException
      Forward notification of a parse warning to the application supplied error handler (if any). Unlike XMLParser.error(SAXParseException) and XMLParser.fatalError(SAXParseException), this implementation will NOT throw a SAXException by default if no error handler is supplied.
      exception - The warning information
      SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs
    • configure

      protected void configure()
      This method is called only once before parsing occurs which allows tag libraries to be registered and so forth
    • getJellyProperties

      protected Properties getJellyProperties()
      A helper method which loads the static Jelly properties once on startup
    • createTag

      protected TagScript createTag(String namespaceURI, String localName, Attributes list) throws SAXException
      Factory method to create new Tag script for the given namespaceURI and name or return null if this is not a custom Tag.
    • createStaticTag

      protected TagScript createStaticTag(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes list) throws SAXException
      Factory method to create a static Tag that represents some static content.

      Note that to if you use jelly:define taglib, these tags might turn out to be non-static during the runtime.

    • configureStaticTagAttributes

      protected void configureStaticTagAttributes(TagScript script, Attributes list) throws JellyException
    • configureTagScript

      protected void configureTagScript(TagScript aTagScript)
      Configure a newly created TagScript instance before any Expressions are created
      aTagScript -
    • addTextScript

      protected void addTextScript(String text, boolean start) throws JellyException
      Adds the text to the current script block parsing any embedded expressions into ExpressionScript objects.
      start - If the text precedes a start element. Otherwise the text precedes an end element.
    • addExpressionScript

      protected void addExpressionScript(ScriptBlock script, Expression expression)
      Adds the given Expression object to the current Script.
    • createEscapingExpression

      protected Expression createEscapingExpression(Expression expression)
    • createConstantExpression

      protected Expression createConstantExpression(String tagName, String attributeName, String attributeValue)
    • createExpressionFactory

      protected ExpressionFactory createExpressionFactory()
    • getCurrentURI

      protected String getCurrentURI()
      the current context URI as a String or null if there is no current context defined on the JellyContext
    • createSAXException

      protected SAXException createSAXException(String message, Exception e)
      Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the file where the exception occurs
      the new exception
    • createSAXException

      protected SAXException createSAXException(Exception e)
      Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs
      the new exception
    • createSAXException

      protected SAXException createSAXException(String message)
      Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs
      the new exception