Class PipelineIOUtils

  • public class PipelineIOUtils
    extends Object
    Utilities to assist with IO and in some cases improve performance specifically for pipeline.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PipelineIOUtils

        public PipelineIOUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • writeByXStream

        public static void writeByXStream​(@NonNull
                                          Object toWrite,
                                          File location,
                                          XStream2 xstream,
                                          boolean atomicWrite)
                                   throws IOException
        Convenience method to transparently write data directly or atomicly using AtomicFileWriter.
        toWrite - Object to write to file
        location - File to write object to
        xstream - xstream to use for output
        atomicWrite - If true, do an atomic write, otherwise do a direct write to file.