Class CompositeBuildResult

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CompositeBuildResult extends Object implements AnalysisBuildResult
A build result that is composed of a series of other builds results simply by summing up the number of issues.
Ullrich Hafner
  • Constructor Details

    • CompositeBuildResult

      public CompositeBuildResult(Collection<? extends AnalysisBuildResult> results)
      Creates a composition of the specified results. Adds the new value of each property to the existing value of the same property.
      results - the results to add
  • Method Details

    • getSizePerOrigin

      public Map<String,Integer> getSizePerOrigin()
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the number of issues in this analysis run, mapped by their origin. The origin is the tool that created the report.
      Specified by:
      getSizePerOrigin in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      number of issues per origin
    • getFixedSize

      public int getFixedSize()
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the number of fixed issues in this analysis run.
      Specified by:
      getFixedSize in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      number of fixed issues
    • getTotalSize

      public int getTotalSize()
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the total number of issues in this analysis run.
      Specified by:
      getTotalSize in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      total number of issues
    • getTotalSizeOf

      public int getTotalSizeOf( severity)
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the total number of issues in this analysis run that have the specified Severity.
      Specified by:
      getTotalSizeOf in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      severity - the severity of the issues to match
      total number of issues
    • getNewSize

      public int getNewSize()
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the number of new issues in this analysis run.
      Specified by:
      getNewSize in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      number of new issues
    • getNewSizeOf

      public int getNewSizeOf( severity)
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the new number of issues in this analysis run that have the specified Severity.
      Specified by:
      getNewSizeOf in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      severity - the severity of the issues to match
      total number of issues
    • getTotals

      public IssuesStatistics getTotals()
      Description copied from interface: AnalysisBuildResult
      Returns the total number of issues (by severity, new, total, fixed and delta) in a build.
      Specified by:
      getTotals in interface AnalysisBuildResult
      the totals