Package hudson.views

Class SecurityFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<ViewJobFilter>

public class SecurityFilter extends AbstractIncludeExcludeJobFilter
The purpose of this filter is to identify items that have certain privileges granted for the current user, and match those items. For example, I may have set up security so that certain users can only read certain jobs; that's fine from a security standpoint, but I also want to leverage that security to create useful views; for example, one view that shows me all jobs I can configure, and another view that shows me all jobs I can only read. There's no point in matching by whether you can read a job, because if you can't see it, it won't show up anyways.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SecurityFilter

      @DataBoundConstructor public SecurityFilter(String permissionCheckType, boolean configure, boolean build, boolean workspace, String includeExcludeTypeString)
  • Method Details

    • matches

      protected boolean matches(TopLevelItem item)
      matches in class AbstractIncludeExcludeJobFilter
    • getPermissionCheckType

      public String getPermissionCheckType()
    • isConfigure

      public boolean isConfigure()
    • isBuild

      public boolean isBuild()
    • isWorkspace

      public boolean isWorkspace()