All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractWhitelist, AclAwareWhitelist, BlanketWhitelist, ClassLoaderWhitelist, EnumeratingWhitelist, ProxyWhitelist

public abstract class Whitelist extends Object implements ExtensionPoint
Determines which methods and similar members which scripts may call.
  • Constructor Details

    • Whitelist

      public Whitelist()
  • Method Details

    • permitsMethod

      public abstract boolean permitsMethod(@NonNull Method method, @NonNull Object receiver, @NonNull Object[] args)
      Checks whether a given virtual method may be invoked.

      Note that method should not be implementing or overriding a method in a supertype; in such a case the caller must pass that supertype method instead. In other words, call site selection is the responsibility of the caller (such as GroovySandbox), not the whitelist.

      method - a method defined in the JVM
      receiver - this, the receiver of the method call
      args - zero or more arguments
      true to allow the method to be called, false to reject it
    • permitsConstructor

      public abstract boolean permitsConstructor(@NonNull Constructor<?> constructor, @NonNull Object[] args)
    • permitsStaticMethod

      public abstract boolean permitsStaticMethod(@NonNull Method method, @NonNull Object[] args)
    • permitsFieldGet

      public abstract boolean permitsFieldGet(@NonNull Field field, @NonNull Object receiver)
    • permitsFieldSet

      public abstract boolean permitsFieldSet(@NonNull Field field, @NonNull Object receiver, @CheckForNull Object value)
    • permitsStaticFieldGet

      public abstract boolean permitsStaticFieldGet(@NonNull Field field)
    • permitsStaticFieldSet

      public abstract boolean permitsStaticFieldSet(@NonNull Field field, @CheckForNull Object value)
    • all

      @NonNull public static Whitelist all()
      Checks for all whitelists registered as Extensions and aggregates them.
      an aggregated default list