Class SauceOnDemandReportPublisher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExtensionPoint, Describable<hudson.tasks.junit.TestDataPublisher>

    public class SauceOnDemandReportPublisher
    extends hudson.tasks.junit.TestDataPublisher
    Associates Sauce OnDemand session ID to unit tests.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Ross Rowe
    • Constructor Detail

      • SauceOnDemandReportPublisher

        public SauceOnDemandReportPublisher()
        Constructs a new instance.
    • Method Detail

      • processSessionIds

        public static LinkedList<TestIDDetails> processSessionIds​(Boolean isStdout,
                                                                  String... logStrings)
        Processes the log output, and for lines which are in the valid log format, return a list that is found
        isStdout - is this stdout?
        logStrings - lines of output to be processed, not null
        list of session ids found in log strings
      • getJobVisibility

        public String getJobVisibility()
      • setJobVisibility

        public void setJobVisibility​(String jobVisibility)
      • getTestData

        public SauceOnDemandReportFactory getTestData​(AbstractBuild<?,​?> build,
                                                      Launcher launcher,
                                                      BuildListener listener,
                                                      hudson.tasks.junit.TestResult testResult)
        getTestData in class hudson.tasks.junit.TestDataPublisher
        build - The build in progress
        launcher - This launcher can be used to launch processes for this build.
        listener - Can be used to send any message.
        testResult - Contains the test results for the build.
        a singleton SauceOnDemandReportFactory instance if the build has Sauce results, null if no results are found