Class Entry

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Entry extends Object implements Describable<Entry>
  • Field Details

    • bucket

      public String bucket
      Destination bucket for the copy. Can contain macros.
    • sourceFile

      public String sourceFile
      File name relative to the workspace root to upload. Can contain macros and wildcards.
    • excludedFile

      public String excludedFile
      File name relative to the workspace root to be excluded from upload. Can contain macros and wildcards.
    • storageClass

      public String storageClass
      what x-amz-storage-class is currently set
    • regions

      public static final List<com.amazonaws.regions.Region> regions
      Regions Values
    • selectedRegion

      public String selectedRegion
      Stores the Region Value
    • noUploadOnFailure

      public boolean noUploadOnFailure
      Do not publish the artifacts when build fails
    • uploadFromSlave

      public boolean uploadFromSlave
      Upload either from the slave or the master
    • managedArtifacts

      public boolean managedArtifacts
      Let Jenkins manage the S3 uploaded artifacts
    • useServerSideEncryption

      public boolean useServerSideEncryption
      Use S3 server side encryption when uploading the artifacts
    • flatten

      public boolean flatten
      Flatten directories
    • gzipFiles

      public boolean gzipFiles
      use GZIP to compress files
    • showDirectlyInBrowser

      public boolean showDirectlyInBrowser
      show content of entity directly in browser
    • keepForever

      public boolean keepForever
      Don't delete artifacts in Amazon after job was rotated
    • userMetadata

      public List<MetadataPair> userMetadata
      Metadata overrides

      @Extension public static final Entry.DescriptorImpl DESCRIPOR
  • Constructor Details

    • Entry

      @DataBoundConstructor public Entry(String bucket, String sourceFile, String excludedFile, String storageClass, String selectedRegion, boolean noUploadOnFailure, boolean uploadFromSlave, boolean managedArtifacts, boolean useServerSideEncryption, boolean flatten, boolean gzipFiles, boolean keepForever, boolean showDirectlyInBrowser, List<MetadataPair> userMetadata)
  • Method Details