Class S3FindFilesStep

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.Step>

public class S3FindFilesStep extends AbstractS3Step
The S3FindFilesStep returns a list of files from S3 that match a pattern. This is intended to be analogous to the "findFiles" step provided by the "pipeline-utility-steps-plugin".

This thus accepts a bucket, a path, and a glob pattern.

The path, if specified, sets the root of the search. If left unspecified, then this defaults to the root of the bucket.

The glob, if specified, sets the glob that should be matched. If left unspecified, then this defaults to "*", which will match everything within `path`, but only one level deep. To match absolutely everything, use "**".

  • Constructor Details

    • S3FindFilesStep

      @DataBoundConstructor public S3FindFilesStep(String bucket, boolean pathStyleAccessEnabled, boolean payloadSigningEnabled)
  • Method Details

    • getBucket

      public String getBucket()
    • setPath

      @DataBoundSetter public void setPath(String path)
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
    • setGlob

      @DataBoundSetter public void setGlob(String glob)
    • getGlob

      public String getGlob()
    • setOnlyFiles

      @DataBoundSetter public void setOnlyFiles(boolean onlyFiles)
    • isOnlyFiles

      public boolean isOnlyFiles()
    • start

      public org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.StepExecution start(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.StepContext context) throws Exception
      Specified by:
      start in class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.Step