All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtensionPoint, Describable<GitHubBranchCommitCheck>

public class GitHubBranchCommitMessageCheck extends GitHubBranchCommitCheck implements ExtensionPoint
  • Constructor Details

    • GitHubBranchCommitMessageCheck

      @DataBoundConstructor public GitHubBranchCommitMessageCheck()
  • Method Details

    • doCheck

      public GitHubBranchCause doCheck(org.kohsuke.github.GHBranch remoteBranch, GitHubBranchRepository localRepo, org.kohsuke.github.GHCommit commit) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      doCheck in class GitHubBranchCommitCheck
    • check

      public GitHubBranchCause check(org.kohsuke.github.GHBranch remoteBranch, GitHubBranchRepository localRepo, org.kohsuke.github.GHCompare.Commit[] commits)
      Description copied from class: GitHubBranchCommitCheck
      Check used to determine if some associated commit property, such as the commit message, should prevent a build from being triggered.
      Specified by:
      check in class GitHubBranchCommitCheck
      remoteBranch - current branch state from GH.
      localRepo - local repository state.
      commits - commits commits that occurred between the last known local hash and the current remote.
      GitHubBranchCause instance indicating if the build should be skipped, null otherwise.
    • getMatchCriteria

      public String getMatchCriteria()
    • isExclude

      public boolean isExclude()
    • setExclude

      @DataBoundSetter public void setExclude(boolean exclude)
    • setMatchCriteria

      @DataBoundSetter public void setMatchCriteria(String matchCriteria)