Class PreBuildMerge

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PreBuildMerge extends GitSCMExtension
Speculatively merge the selected commit with another branch before the build to answer the "what happens if I were to integrate this feature branch back to the master?" question.
Nigel Magney, Nicolas Deloof, Andrew Bayer, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • PreBuildMerge

      @DataBoundConstructor public PreBuildMerge(UserMergeOptions options)
  • Method Details

    • getOptions

      public UserMergeOptions getOptions()
    • decorateRevisionToBuild

      public hudson.plugins.git.Revision decorateRevisionToBuild(GitSCM scm, Run<?,?> build, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git, TaskListener listener, hudson.plugins.git.Revision marked, hudson.plugins.git.Revision rev) throws hudson.plugins.git.GitException, IOException, InterruptedException
      Description copied from class: GitSCMExtension
      Called after BuildChooser selects the revision to pick for this build, but before

      This allows extensions to select a derived revision (for example by merging another branch into the chosen revision and returning it) or manipulate the state of the working tree (such as running git-clean.) GitSCMExtension.decorateRevisionToBuild(GitSCM, Run, GitClient, TaskListener, Revision, Revision) vs BuildChooser

      BuildChooser and this method are similar in the sense that they both participate in the process of determining what commits to build. So when a plugin wants to control the commit to be built, you have a choice of these two approaches. The rule of the thumb is to ask yourself if your process takes another commit as an input. BuildChooser is suitable when you do not take any commit as a parameter, and need to precisely control what commit to build. For example the gerrit-trigger plugin looks at a specific build parameter, then retrieves that commit from Gerrit and builds that. GitSCMExtension.decorateRevisionToBuild(GitSCM, Run, GitClient, TaskListener, Revision, Revision) is suitable when you accept arbitrary revision as an input and then create some derivative commits and then build that result. The primary example is for speculative merge with another branch (people use this to answer the question of "what happens if I were to integrate this feature branch back to the master branch?")

      decorateRevisionToBuild in class GitSCMExtension
      scm - GitSCM object
      build - run context
      git - GitClient object
      listener - build log
      marked - The revision that started this build. (e.g. pre-merge)
      rev - The revision selected for this build.
      The revision selected for this build. Unless you are decorating the given rev, return the value given in the rev parameter.
      hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
      IOException - on input or output error
      InterruptedException - when interrupted
    • decorateMergeCommand

      public void decorateMergeCommand(GitSCM scm, Run<?,?> build, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient git, TaskListener listener, org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.MergeCommand cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException, hudson.plugins.git.GitException
      Description copied from class: GitSCMExtension
      Called before a MergeCommand is executed to allow extensions to alter its behaviour.
      decorateMergeCommand in class GitSCMExtension
      scm - GitSCM object
      build - run context
      git - GitClient
      listener - build log
      cmd - merge command to be decorated
      IOException - on input or output error
      InterruptedException - when interrupted
      hudson.plugins.git.GitException - on git error
    • getRequiredClient

      public GitClientType getRequiredClient()
      Description copied from class: GitSCMExtension
      Let extension declare required GitClient implementation. git-plugin will then detect conflicts, and fallback to globally configured default git client
      getRequiredClient in class GitSCMExtension
      git client type required for this extension
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object