Klasse SvgTag


public class SvgTag extends Object
Textual SVG tag representation that shows a FontAwesome icon.
Ullrich Hafner
  • Konstruktordetails

    • SvgTag

      public SvgTag(String iconName)
      Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome using SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle.SOLID.
      iconName - the name of the icon (without fa- prefix), e.g. chevron-circle-up.
    • SvgTag

      public SvgTag(String iconName, SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle style)
      Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome.
      iconName - the name of the icon (without fa- prefix), e.g. chevron-circle-up.
      style - Font Awesome style of the icon
  • Methodendetails

    • fontAwesomeSvgIcon

      public static SvgTag fontAwesomeSvgIcon(String iconName)
      Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome using SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle.SOLID.
      iconName - the name of the icon (without fa- prefix), e.g. chevron-circle-up.
      Gibt zurück:
      the HTML tag
    • fontAwesomeSvgIcon

      public static SvgTag fontAwesomeSvgIcon(String iconName, SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle style)
      Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome.
      iconName - the name of the icon (without fa- prefix), e.g. chevron-circle-up.
      style - Font Awesome style of the icon
      Gibt zurück:
      the HTML tag
    • withClasses

      public SvgTag withClasses(String... classNames)
      Uses the specified class names for this SVG tag. Adds the tag ICON_MD as well as class.
      classNames - the additional class names, might be empty
      Gibt zurück:
      this tag
    • render

      public String render()
      Renders this tag into plain HTML String representation.
      Gibt zurück:
      the tag as HTML String
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object