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BRANDS - Enum-Konstante in Enumeration io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle


FontAwesomeIcons - Klasse in io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome
Utility to work with icons provided by the font-awesome-api-plugin.
fontAwesomeSvgIcon(String) - Statische Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag
Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome using SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle.SOLID.
fontAwesomeSvgIcon(String, SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle) - Statische Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag
Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome.


getAvailableIcons() - Statische Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.FontAwesomeIcons
Get all available icons provided by the font-awesome-api-plugin.
getAvailableIcons(SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle) - Statische Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.FontAwesomeIcons
Get all available icons provided by the font-awesome-api-plugin filtered by their style.
getIconClassName(String) - Statische Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.FontAwesomeIcons
Takes an icon name and generates an icon class name from it.


io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome - Package io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome


REGULAR - Enum-Konstante in Enumeration io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle
render() - Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag
Renders this tag into plain HTML String representation.


SOLID - Enum-Konstante in Enumeration io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle
SvgTag - Klasse in io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome
Textual SVG tag representation that shows a FontAwesome icon.
SvgTag(String) - Konstruktor für Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag
Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome using SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle.SOLID.
SvgTag(String, SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle) - Konstruktor für Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag
Creates a new SvgTag that renders the specified SVG icon of FontAwesome.
SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle - Enum in io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome
Available Font Awesome styles.


toString() - Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag


valueOf(String) - Statische Methode in Enumeration io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle
Gibt die Enumerationskonstante dieses Typs mit dem angegebenen Namen zurück.
values() - Statische Methode in Enumeration io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag.FontAwesomeStyle
Gibt ein Array mit den Konstanten dieses Enum-Typs in der Reihenfolge ihrer Deklaration zurück.


withClasses(String...) - Methode in Klasse io.jenkins.plugins.fontawesome.SvgTag
Uses the specified class names for this SVG tag.
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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages