Interface ContinuedTask
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
Marker for tasks which should perhaps “jump ahead” in the queue because they continue an earlier task.
Ensures that this task gets scheduled ahead of regular stuff.
Use judiciously; an appropriate use case is a task which is intended to be the direct continuation of one currently running
or which was running in a previous Jenkins session and is not logically finished.
- See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
True if the task should actually be consider continued now.Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.ModelObject
Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.Queue.Task
checkAbortPermission, getAffinityKey, getCauseOfBlockage, getDefaultAuthentication, getDefaultAuthentication, getDefaultAuthentication2, getDefaultAuthentication2, getFullDisplayName, getName, getSubTasks, getUrl, getWhyBlocked, hasAbortPermission, isBuildBlocked, isConcurrentBuild
Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.ResourceActivity
getDisplayName, getResourceList
Methods inherited from interface hudson.model.queue.SubTask
createExecutable, getAssignedLabel, getEstimatedDuration, getLastBuiltOn, getOwnerExecutable, getOwnerTask, getSameNodeConstraint
Method Details
boolean isContinued()True if the task should actually be consider continued now.