Package hudson.model

Class Descriptor.PropertyType

Enclosing class:
Descriptor<T extends Describable<T>>

public static final class Descriptor.PropertyType extends Object
Represents a readable property on Describable.
  • Field Details

    • clazz

      public final Class clazz
    • type

      public final Type type
    • displayName

      public final String displayName
  • Method Details

    • getEnumConstants

      public Enum[] getEnumConstants()
    • getItemType

      public Class getItemType()
      If the property is a collection/array type, what is an item type?
    • getItemTypeDescriptor

      public Descriptor getItemTypeDescriptor()
      Returns Descriptor whose 'clazz' is the same as the item type.
    • getItemTypeDescriptorOrDie

      public Descriptor getItemTypeDescriptorOrDie()
    • getApplicableDescriptors

      public List<? extends Descriptor> getApplicableDescriptors()
      Returns all the descriptors that produce types assignable to the property type.
    • getApplicableItemDescriptors

      public List<? extends Descriptor> getApplicableItemDescriptors()
      Returns all the descriptors that produce types assignable to the item type for a collection property.