Package hudson.plugins.android_emulator.sdk.cli

package hudson.plugins.android_emulator.sdk.cli
  • Class
    Extends AdbShellCommands04To22 and simply overwrites the commands which differ for devices running on API-level 3 and below.
    Extends AdbShellCommandsCurrentBase and simply overwrites the commands which differ for devices running on API-level 4 to 22.
    Commands which are run via 'adb shell' command on a specified device
    This class holds the implementations for all used commands via adb shell on devices running the latest API.
    Represents a SDK command-line-interface command by a given Tool and by it's arguments.
    This helper class is used to retrieve the correct implementation of the adb shell and the Android SDK tools commands for the given device API level respective for the SDK version.
    CLI commands using the SDK tools.
    Extends SdkToolsCommandsCurrentBase and simply overwrites the commands which differ for SDK with major version prior 17.
    Extends SdkToolsCommandsCurrentBase and simply overwrites the commands which differ for SDK Tools version 17 to 25.2.
    This class holds the implementations for all used commands in the latest SDK version.