Interface StaplerOverridable

public interface StaplerOverridable
A web-bound object can implement this interface to allow designated objects to selectively override URL mappings.

If the designated override objects does not have a handler for the request, the host object (the one that's implementing StaplerOverridable) will handle the request.

In override objects, CancelRequestHandlingException is an useful mechanism to programmatically inspect a request and then selectively return the request back to the original object (that implements StaplerOverridable.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a list of overridables.
  • Method Details

    • getOverrides

      Collection<?> getOverrides()
      Returns a list of overridables. Override objects are tried in their iteration order.
      can be null, which is treated as the same thing as returning an empty collection.