Class BindInterceptor


public class BindInterceptor extends Object
Intercepts (and receives callbacks) about the JSON → object binding process.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Object DEFAULT
      Indicates that the conversion should proceed as it normally does, and that the listener isn't replacing the process.
    • NOOP

      public static final BindInterceptor NOOP
      Default BindInterceptor that does nothing.
  • Constructor Details

    • BindInterceptor

      public BindInterceptor()
  • Method Details

    • onConvert

      public Object onConvert(Type targetType, Class targetTypeErasure, Object jsonSource)
      Called for each object conversion, after the expected type is determined.
      targetType - Type that the converted object must be assignable to.
      targetTypeErasure - Erasure of the targetType parameter.
      jsonSource - JSON object to be mapped to Java object.
      DEFAULT to indicate that the default conversion process should proceed. Any other values (including null) will override the process.
    • instantiate

      public Object instantiate(Class actualType, net.sf.json.JSONObject json)
      Called for each object conversion, after the actual subtype to instantiate is determined.
      actualType - The type to instantiate
      json - JSON object to be mapped to Java object.
      DEFAULT to indicate that the default conversion process should proceed. Any other values (including null) will override the process.