Class FilterLayer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ProtocolLayer, ProtocolLayer.Recv, ProtocolLayer.Send
Direct Known Subclasses:
AckFilterLayer, AgentProtocolClientFilterLayer, ConnectionHeadersFilterLayer, SSLEngineFilterLayer

public abstract class FilterLayer extends Object implements ProtocolLayer, ProtocolLayer.Send, ProtocolLayer.Recv
An intermediate ProtocolLayer in a ProtocolStack. This layer can be responsible for
  • Filtering the data stream
  • Initial handshaking
  • Transforming the data stream, e.g. encryption
  • Monitoring the data stream
  • etc.
  • Constructor Details

    • FilterLayer

      public FilterLayer()
  • Method Details

    • init

      @OverrideMustInvoke public final void init(@NonNull ProtocolStack<?>.Ptr ptr) throws IOException
      Initializes the layer with its ProtocolStack.Ptr. All lower layers in the stack will be initialized before a call to this method. All layers in a stack will be initialized before a call to ProtocolLayer.start().
      Specified by:
      init in interface ProtocolLayer
      ptr - the position of this layer in the stack.
      IOException - if something goes wrong.
    • start

      public void start() throws IOException
      Starts this layer. All layers in the stack will be initialized before a call to this method. All lower layers in the stack will have been started before this layer is started.
      Specified by:
      start in interface ProtocolLayer
      IOException - if something goes wrong.
    • completed

      protected final void completed()
      The FilterLayer implementation calls this to signify that it is now a no-op layer in both directions and can be removed from the ProtocolStack
    • abort

      protected final void abort(@NonNull IOException cause)
      The FilterLayer implementation calls this to signify that a critical error in the stack has occurred and that the stack should be torn down and closed.
      cause - the root cause to report.
    • stack

      @Nullable protected ProtocolStack<?> stack()
      Accessor for the ProtocolStack that we are bound to.
      the ProtocolStack that we are bound to or null if we are not currently bound to a stack.
    • next

      @Nullable protected ProtocolStack<?>.Ptr next()
      Accessor for the next layers in the ProtocolStack.
      our ProtocolStack.Ptr or null if we are not currently bound to a stack.
    • flushRecv

      protected final void flushRecv(ByteBufferQueue queue) throws IOException
      Flushes the supplied ByteBufferQueue to next()'s ProtocolStack.Ptr.onRecv(ByteBuffer). This method is especially helpful for FilterLayer implementations that are involved in initial handshaking as they will need to queue up data until the handshake is completed and then flush the data to the remainder of the stack.
      queue - the data to receive.
      IOException - if there is an I/O error during the receive.
    • flushSend

      protected final void flushSend(ByteBufferQueue queue) throws IOException
      Flushes the supplied ByteBufferQueue to next()'s ProtocolStack.Ptr.doSend(ByteBuffer) This method is especially helpful for FilterLayer implementations that are involved in initial handshaking as they will need to queue up data until the handshake is completed and then flush the data to the remainder of the stack.
      queue - the data to send.
      IOException - if there is an I/O error during the receive.
    • onRecv

      public abstract void onRecv(@NonNull ByteBuffer data) throws IOException
      SPI: Callback on data being received from the lower layer.
      Specified by:
      onRecv in interface ProtocolLayer.Recv
      data - the data received. Any data consumed from the ByteBuffer can be assumed as processed. Any data not consumed from the ByteBuffer will be the responsibility of the caller to resubmit in subsequent calls.
      IOException - if there was an error during processing of the received data.
    • onRecvClosed

      @OverrideMustInvoke public void onRecvClosed(IOException cause) throws IOException
      Callback on the lower layer's source of data being closed.
      Specified by:
      onRecvClosed in interface ProtocolLayer.Recv
      cause - the cause of the lower layer being closed or null.
      IOException - if there was an error during the processing of the close notification.
    • isRecvOpen

      public boolean isRecvOpen()
      Tracks if this layer is accepting received data via ProtocolLayer.Recv.onRecv(ByteBuffer). Once this method returns false it must always return false and can be assumed to behave in this way.
      Specified by:
      isRecvOpen in interface ProtocolLayer.Recv
      true if accepting received data via ProtocolLayer.Recv.onRecv(ByteBuffer).
    • doSend

      public abstract void doSend(@NonNull ByteBuffer data) throws IOException
      SPI: Sends data to the lower layer.
      Specified by:
      doSend in interface ProtocolLayer.Send
      data - the data to send. Any data consumed from the ByteBuffer can be assumed as processed. Any data not consumed from the ByteBuffer will be the responsibility of the caller to resubmit in subsequent calls.
      IOException - if there was an error during processing of the data.
    • doCloseSend

      @OverrideMustInvoke public void doCloseSend() throws IOException
      Notify the lower layer that it should close. Callers to this method are assumed to have already called ProtocolLayer.Recv.onRecvClosed(IOException) for any upper layers.
      Specified by:
      doCloseSend in interface ProtocolLayer.Send
      IOException - if there was an error closing the lower layer.
    • isSendOpen

      public boolean isSendOpen()
      Tracks if this layer is submitting data to be sent via ProtocolLayer.Send.doSend(ByteBuffer). Once this method returns false it must always return false and can be assumed to behave in this way.
      Specified by:
      isSendOpen in interface ProtocolLayer.Send
      true if submitting data to be sent via ProtocolLayer.Send.doSend(ByteBuffer).