Class AccessRestriction

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    DoNotUse, None

    public abstract class AccessRestriction
    extends Object
    Access restriction policy — determines what access is OK and what are not.

    The subtype of this interface is a strategy object. Instances of these classes are created during the access enforcement to perform constraint checks.

    Single execution of the enforcement check would create at most one instance of a given AccessRestriction type, so instance fields can be used to store heavy-weight objects or other indices that you might need for implementing access control checks.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccessRestriction

        public AccessRestriction()
    • Method Detail

      • usedAsSuperType

        public abstract void usedAsSuperType​(Location loc,
                                             RestrictedElement target,
                                             ErrorListener errorListener)
        The type on which this restriction is placed is used as a supertype by another class. The location points to the subtype.
        loc - Points to the subtype.
        errorListener - Report any error here.
      • usedAsInterface

        public abstract void usedAsInterface​(Location loc,
                                             RestrictedElement target,
                                             ErrorListener errorListener)
        The type on which this restriction is placed is used as an interface that another class/interface implements.
        loc - Points to the subtype.
        errorListener - Report any error here.
      • instantiated

        public abstract void instantiated​(Location loc,
                                          RestrictedElement target,
                                          ErrorListener errorListener)
        The type on which this restriction is placed is instantiated elsewhere.
      • appliesToNested

        public boolean appliesToNested()
        Whether this access restriction, if applied to a type, should also be considered to apply implicitly to all transitively nested members.
        by default, false