Interface Location

  • public interface Location
    Indicates the location that the use occurred.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Method Detail

      • getClassName

        String getClassName()
        The fully-qualified class name in which the use happened, for example "abc.def.Ghi"
      • getMethodName

        String getMethodName()
        If the use happened in the byte code instruction, method name that the use occurred in.

        For example "getAbc"

      • getMethodDescriptor

        String getMethodDescriptor()
        This is the encoded method signature like "(II)Z" in which the use happened. Used in conjunction with getMethodName() to disambiguate overload.
      • getLineNumber

        int getLineNumber()
        The line number in the source file where the use happened.
      • toString

        String toString()
        Obtains a human readable description of the location. Useful for an error message.
        toString in class Object
      • getDependencyClassLoader

        ClassLoader getDependencyClassLoader()
        AccessRestriction implementations can use this classloader to access the classes referenced by classes being inspected.

        Loading a class has a side effect, so it's generally not recommended to do so, but the caller can use ClassLoader.getResource(String) and parse the class files via libraries like ASM to define more elaborate access restrictions.

      • getProperty

        String getProperty​(String key)
        Loads a configuration setting from the environment, such as when configured by a Maven plugin.