Class DumbSlave

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DumbSlave extends Slave
Built-in standard slave type.

To create a new slave into a test, use SlaveController.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Details

    • description

      public final Control description
    • executors

      public final Control executors
    • remoteFS

      public final Control remoteFS
    • labels

      public final Control labels
    • launchMethod

      public final Control launchMethod
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setLauncher

      public <T extends ComputerLauncher> T setLauncher(Class<T> type)
      Selects the specified launcher, and return the page object to bind to it.
    • asLocal

      public void asLocal()
      Set up this slave as a local slave that launches slave on the same host as Jenkins call this in the context of the config UI.